ADELA SLOSS-VENTO writer, political activist, and civil rights pioneer.


ADELA SLOSS-VENTO writer, political activist, and civil rights pioneer. - [S.l. : HAMILTON BOOKS, (c)2017. - 1 online resource.

Includes bibliographies and index.

Preface; Family History: 1819-1927; Notes; Acknowledgments; Adela Sloss-Vento; Part I; The San Juan Phase; The Birth of an Activist: 1927-1935; The League of Latin-American Citizens (1927); Dissension: Underlying Tones; Adela Sloss-Vento: A Student of the Arts; The Thirties: Political Activity and Transition; The Forties: War Abroad and War in Texas; Adela Sloss-Vento: Religious Foundation and Activism; Notes; Part II; The Edinburg Phase; The Fifties: Censorship, Survival and the Civil Rights Cause; The Sixties: Tragedy, Vietnam, and Protests The Seventies: Protests, Ethnic and Gender MovementsThe Eighties: The Waning of Activism; The New Conservatism; The Nineties: The Final Consolation; Conclusions; Background; Characteristics of a Conscientious Activist; Unpublicized Civil Rights Movement; Issues; Contributions; Notes; Part III: Archival Literature; Selected Essays; Porque en muchos hogares Latinos no existe verdadera felicidad; Why There Is No True Happiness in Many Latino Homes; El club politico que trabaja por la organizacion de politica bien dirigida y por el mejoramiento del pueblo Latino Americano A Political Club Organized for the Betterment of the Latin American PeopleThe Awakening of the Real Needs of Our Country and of America; Problems in the Lands of Ameica; The Wetback Problem; El eterno dilema de los mojados y de los braceros contratados que solo sirve para prejuicios de los Mexicanos y de Mexico; The Eternal Dilemma of the Undocumented and Contracted Braceros which Serve Only for Injustice against Mexicans and Mexico; The Problem of Many Texas Towns; Problemas que necesitan solucionarse en el hemisferio occidental; La Clase Trabajadora De México Problems that Need a Solution in the Western HemisphereThe Working Class of Mexico; The Problem of the Undocumented is Unjust and Costly; Two Well-Known Prejudices; La lucha de un pueblo valiente; The Struggle of a Brave People; Two Evils from Within; The Wetback Problem: A Harmful and Costly Problem; El precio de la desunion; The Cost of Disunity; Legislative Action as well as a Campaign against Race Discrimination Concerning Latin Americans Is Needed; La mujer Americana y el marido Latino-Americano; The American Woman and the Latin American Husband A la memoria del gran patriota y defensor del pueblo Latino Americano: el Profesor J. Luz SáenzIn Memory of Prof. J. Luz Sáenz, a Great Patriot and Defender of the Latin American People; Prologo; Prologue; Sobre el nombramiento "chicano" y el nombramiento Mexico-Americano; Concerning the Names: Chicano and Mexican-American; Selected Excerpts: Newspaper Articles; (1) Diógenes, McAllen, Texas; (2) La Prensa, San Antonio, Texas; La Prensa, April 26, 1941; La Prensa, October 19, 1944; (3) LULAC Newsletters; Lulac News, Brownsville LULAC Council, (N.D.); (4) Brownsville Herald, Brownsville, Texas

The book is a socio-political probe into South Texas society's politics of exclusion, exploitation, immigration, and political cronyism. It chronicles the life of Adela Sloss-Vento for economic, social, and political equality of people of Mexican descent particularly on themes of racism, bilingualism, Immigration, political ethics, feminism, family, and Christian values.


Sloss-Vento, Adela.

Electronic Books.

JZ5540 / .A345 2017