Singing the songs of the brokenhearted : Psalms that comfort and mend the soul /

Crowder, Bill.

Singing the songs of the brokenhearted : Psalms that comfort and mend the soul / Bill Crowder. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Uhrichsville, Ohio : Discovery House Publishers ; Distributed by Barbour Pub., 2009. - 159 pages ; 21 cm

Psalm 6: the heart broken by grief -- Psalm 12: the heart broken by despair -- Psalm 13: the heart broken by defeat -- Psalm 32: the heart broken by guilt -- Psalm 39: the heart broken by fear -- Psalm 42: the heart broken by desperation -- Psalm 56: the heart broken by hate -- Psalm 69: the heart broken by stress -- Psalm 73: the heart broken by unfairness -- Psalm 22: the heart broken by sin.

1572932740 9781572932746


Bible.--Psalms--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Consolation--Biblical teaching.

BS1430.52.C953.S564 2009