Encyclopedia of communication and information /edited by Jorge Reina Schement.

Encyclopedia of communication and information /edited by Jorge Reina Schement. - New York : Macmillan Reference USA, (c)2002. - 3 volume (xxvii, 1161 pages) : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index.

volume 1. Aca-Fun -- volume 2. Gay-Pol -- volume 3. Por-Zoo. Index. Academia, Careers in / Academic Achievement and Children's Television Use / Advertising, Subliminal / Advertising Effects / Alcohol Abuse and College Students / Alcohol in the Media / Alphabets and Writing / Animal Communication / Antiviolence Interventions / Apprehension and Communication / Archives, Public Records, and Records Management / Archivists / Armstrong, Edwin Howard / Arousal Processes and Media Effects / Artificial Intelligence / Attachment to Media Characters / Audience Researchers / Baker, Augusta Braxton / Bell, Alexander Graham / Bennett, James Gordon / Bibliography / Bly, Nellie / Body Image, Media Effect on / Broadcasting, Government Regulation of / Broadcasting, Self-Regulation of / Bush, Vannevar / Cable Television / Cable Television, Careers in / Cable Television, History of / Cable Television, Programming of / Cable Television, Regulation of / Cable Television, System Technology of / Carnegie, Andrew / Cataloging and Knowledge Organization / Catharsis Theory and Media Effects / Chaplin, Charlie / Chief Information Officers / Children and Advertising / Children's Attention to Television / Children's Comprehension of Television / Children's Creativity and Television Use / Children's Preferences for Media Content / Communications Act of 1934 / Communications Decency Act of 1996 / Communication Study / Community Networks / Computer Literacy / Computer Software / Computer Software, Educational / Computing / Conservators / Consumer Culture / Consumer Electronics / Copyright / Cultivation Theory and Media Effects / Cultural Studies / Culture and Communication / Culture Industries, Media as / Cumulative Media Effects / Curators / Database Design / Databases, Electronic / Democracy and the Media / Dependence on Media / Desensitization and Media Effects / Dewey, John / Dewey, Melvil / Diffusion of Innovations and Communication / Digital Communication / Digital Media Systems / Disney, Walt / Durkheim, Emile / Economics of Information / Edison, Thomas Alva / Editors / Educational Media Producers / Elderly and the Media / Election Campaigns and Media Effects / Electronic Commerce / Ethics and Information / Evolution of Communication / Families and Television / Farnsworth, Philo Taylor / Fear and the Media / Federal Communications Commission / Feminist Scholarship and Communication / Film Industry / Film Industry, Careers in / Film Industry, History of / Film Industry, Production Process of / Film Industry, Technology of / First Amendment and the Media / Franklin, Benjamin / Functions of the Media / Mary Anne Fitzpatrick -- George Comstock -- Joel Saegert -- David W. Stewart, Sarah E. Stewart -- Linda Costigan Lederman -- Linda C. Godbold -- Bertram C. Bruce -- Brent D. Ruben -- Amy I. Nathanson -- James C. McCroskey, Virginia P. Richmond -- Jennifer A. Marshall, Tywanna M. Whorley -- Robert M. Warner -- John W. Owens -- Dolf Zillmann -- Antonios Michailidis, Roy Rada -- Cynthia A. Hoffner -- Horst Stipp -- Janice M. Del Negro -- Martin L. Hatton -- Ellen Williamson Kanervo -- D. W. Krummel -- Ellen Williamson Kanervo -- Kristen Harrison -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Linda C. Smith -- Alan B. Albarran -- Hal Hughes -- Mark J. Pescatore -- Larry Collette -- Timothy E. Bajkiewicz -- Patrick R. Parsons -- Wayne A. Wiegand -- Clare Beghtol -- Brad J. Bushman, Colleen M. Phillips -- Stephen D. Perry -- Jose-Marie Griffiths -- Dale Kunkel -- Daniel R. Anderson -- Shalom M. Fisch -- Patti M. Valkenburg -- Patti M. Valkenburg -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Patrick M. Jablonski -- Brent D. Ruben -- Douglas Schuler -- Tonyia J. Tidline -- Eric Johnson -- Sandra L. Calvert -- Christopher Brown-Syed, Terri L. Lyons -- M. E. Ducey -- Emory H. Woodard -- David Sedman -- Matt Jackson -- Nancy Signorielli -- Paul Grosswiler -- Brent D. Ruben -- Ronald V. Bettig -- L. Rowell Huesmann, Angie C. Beatty -- Tonyia J. Tidline -- Martha E. Williams -- Martha E. Williams -- Brian R. McGee -- Robert Kubey -- Daniel Linz -- Larry A. Hickman -- Wayne A. Wiegand -- Ronald E. Rice -- Michael Silbergleid, Mark J. Pescatore -- Patrick R. Parsons -- Tracy Lauder -- Eric W. Rothenbuhler -- Sandra Braman -- Stephen D. Perry -- Ardis Hanson -- Kay F. Klubertanz -- Marie-Louise Mares -- Holli A. Semetko -- Richard D. Taylor -- Marsha Woodbury -- Brent D. Ruben -- Jennings Bryant, J. Alison Bryant -- John W. Owens -- Joanne Cantor -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Lea P. Stewart -- Robert V. Bellamy Jr. -- Carey Martin -- Stephen D. Perry -- Lilly Ann Boruszkowski -- David Sedman -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Wayne A. Wiegand -- Kimberly B. Massey. Gays and Lesbians in the Media / Gender and the Media / Geographic Information Systems / Globalization of Culture Through the Media / Globalization of Media Industries / Greeley, Horace / Griffith, D. W. / Group Communication / Group Communication, Conflict and / Group Communication, Decision Making and / Group Communication, Dynamics of / Group Communication, Roles and Responsibilities in / Gutenberg, Johannes / Haines, Helen E. / Health Communication / Health Communication, Careers in / Hearst, William Randolph / Home as Information Environment / Human-Computer Interaction / Human Information Processing / Information / Information Industry / Information Society, Description of / Innis, Harold Adams / Instructional Communication / Intellectual Freedom and Censorship / Intercultural Communication, Adaptation and / Intercultural Communication, Interethnic Relations and / Internet and the World Wide Web / Interpersonal Communication / Interpersonal Communication, Conversation and / Interpersonal Communication, Ethics and / Interpersonal Communication, Listening and / Intrapersonal Communication / Journalism, History of / Journalism, Professionalization of / Knowledge Management / Knowledge Management, Careers in / Language Acquisition / Language and Communication / Language Structure / Lazarsfeld, Paul F. / Librarians / Libraries, Digital / Libraries, Functions and Types of / Libraries, History of / Libraries, National / Library Associations and Consortia / Library Automation / Licklider, Joseph Carl Robnett / Literacy / Lumiere, Auguste; Lumiere, Louis / Machlup, Fritz / Magazine Industry / Magazine Industry, Careers in / Magazine Industry, History of / Magazine Industry, Production Process of / Management Information Systems / Marconi, Guglielmo / Marketing Research, Careers in / McLuhan, Herbert Marshall / Mead, George Herbert / Melies, Georges / Mills, C. Wright / Minorities and the Media / Models of Communication / Mood Effects and Media Exposure / Moore, Anne Carroll / Morse, Samuel F. B. / Murrow, Edward R. / Museums / Music, Popular / National Television Violence Study / Networks and Communication / News Effects / Newspaper Industry / Newspaper Industry, Careers in / Newspaper Industry, History of / News Production Theories / Nonverbal Communication / Nutrition and Media Effects / Opinion Polling, Careers in / Organizational Communication / Organizational Communication, Careers in / Organizational Culture / Organizational Quality and Performance Excellence / Paley, William S. / Paradigm and Communication / Paranormal Events and the Media / Parental Mediation of Media Effects / Peirce, Charles Sanders / Pirate Media / Political Economy / Peter M. Nardi -- Mary Beth Oliver, Chad Mahood -- Richard Beck -- Marwan M. Kraidy -- Roger Cooper -- Susan Ross -- Stephen D. Perry -- Mark Aakhus -- Mark Aakhus -- Mark Aakhus -- Mark Aakhus -- Brent D. Ruben -- Marcella Genz -- Holly Crawford -- Gary L. Kreps -- Gary L. Kreps -- Mark Reid Arnold -- Scott C. Forbes -- Michael Twidale -- Brent D. Ruben -- Jorge Reina Schement -- Michelle M. Kazmer -- Leah A. Lievrouw -- Paul Grosswiler -- Gustav W. Friedrich -- Ann K. Symons, Charles Harmon -- Young Yun Kim -- Young Yun Kim -- Charles L. Viles -- Jenny Mandelbaum -- Jenny Mandelbaum -- Lea P. Stewart -- Linda Costigan Lederman -- Linda Costigan Lederman -- Hazel Dicken-Garcia -- Nancy L. Roberts, Giovanna Dell'Orto -- Chun Wei Choo -- Evelyn H. Daniel -- Jean Berko Gleason, Elena Zaretsky -- Jenny Mandelbaum -- Jenny Mandelbaum -- Everett M. Rogers -- Charles Harmon, Ann K. Symons -- Paul B. Kantor -- Michael H. Harris -- D. W. Krummel -- Thomas D. Walker -- Terry L. Weech -- Jamshid Beheshti -- Eric Johnson -- Margaret Mary Kimmel -- Stephen D. Perry -- Robert F. Rich -- Stacey Benedict -- Tracy Lauder -- Tracy Lauder -- Stacey Benedict, Tracy Lauder -- Lucas D. Introna -- Stephen D. Perry -- Eugenia Yew-Yen Peck -- Paul Grosswiler -- John J. Pauly -- Ted C. Jones -- Robert Faber -- Mary Beth Oliver, Dana R. Broussard -- Brent D. Ruben -- Dolf Zillmann -- Anne Lundin -- Martin L. Hatton -- Stephen D. Perry -- Paul F. Marty -- Donald F. Roberts, Peter G. Christenson -- Barbara J. Wilson -- Ronald E. Rice -- Dolf Zillmann -- Robert V. Bellamy Jr. -- Coy Callison -- Lawrence N. Strout -- Stephen D. Reese -- Mark G. Frank -- Katherine Battle Horgen, Kelly D. Brownell -- Michael W. Traugott -- Ronald E. Rice -- Ronald E. Rice -- Lea P. Stewart -- Brent D. Ruben -- Greg Pitts -- Brent D. Ruben -- Glenn G. Sparks -- Amy I. Nathanson -- Richard L. Lanigan -- Stanley J. Baran -- Ronald V. Bettig. Pornography / Pornography, Legal Aspects of / Preservation and Conservation of Information / Price, Derek John de Solla / Printing, History and Methods of / Privacy and Communication / Privacy and Encryption / Propaganda / Provider-Patient Relationships / Psychological Media Research, Ethics of / Public Broadcasting / Public Health Campaigns / Public Relations / Public Relations, Careers In / Public Service Media / Public Speaking / Public Speaking, Careers in / Publishing Industry / Publishing Industry, Careers in / Pulitzer, Joseph / Radio Broadcasting / Radio Broadcasting, Careers in / Radio Broadcasting, History of / Radio Broadcasting, Station Programming and / Radio Broadcasting, Technology of / Ranganathan, Shiyali Ramamrita / Ratings for Movies / Ratings for Television Programs / Ratings for Video Games, Software, and the Internet / Recording Industry / Recording Industry, Careers in / Recording Industry, History of / Recording Industry, Production Process of / Recording Industry, Technology of / Reference Services and Information Access / Relationships, Stages of / Relationships, Types of / Religion and the Media / Researchers for Educational Television Programs / Research Methods in Information Studies / Retrieval of Information / Rhetoric / Sarnoff, David / Satellites, Communication / Satellites, History of / Satellites, Technology of / Schramm, Wilbur / Semiotics / Sesame Street / Sex and the Media / Soap Operas / Social Change and the Media / Social Cognitive Theory and Media Effects / Social Goals and the Media / Society and the Media / Sociolinguistics / Sports and Media Effects / Nathan L. Steele -- Standards and Information / Storytellers / Storytelling / Symbols / Systems Designers / Talk Shows on Television / Technology, Adoption and Diffusion of / Technology, Philosophy of / Telecommunications, Wireless / Telecommunications Act of 1996 / Telephone Industry / Telephone Industry, History of / Telephone Industry, Regulation of / Telephone Industry, Technology of / Television, Educational / Television Broadcasting / Television Broadcasting, Careers in / Television Broadcasting, History of / Television Broadcasting, Production of / Television Broadcasting, Programming and / Television Broadcasting, Station Operations and / Television Broadcasting, Technology of / Tobacco and Media Effects / Use of Information / V-Chip / Video and Computer Games and the Internet / Violence in the Media, Attraction to / Violence in the Media, History of Research on / Visualization of Information / Weber, Max / Webmasters / Welles, Orson / Williams, Raymond / Wilson, Halsey William / Wittgenstein, Ludwig / Writers / Richard Jackson Harris, Christina L. Scott -- Steven G. Gey -- M. E. Ducey -- Linda C. Smith -- D. W. Krummel -- Eric E. Harlan -- Louise S. Robbins -- Brian R. McGee -- Gary L. Kreps -- Cynthia A. Hoffner -- Willard D. Rowland Jr. -- Gary L. Kreps -- Todd Hunt -- Todd Hunt -- Marc Raboy -- Lea P. Stewart -- Lea P. Stewart -- Lorna Peterson -- Lorna Peterson, Deborah J. Karpuk -- Charles F. Aust -- Alan B. Albarran -- Stephen D. Perry -- Greg Pitts -- John W. Owens -- Hal Hughes -- Pauline Atherton Cochrane -- Joel Federman, Joanne Cantor -- Joanne Cantor -- Donald F. Roberts -- Paul D. Fischer -- Paul D. Fischer -- Paul D. Fischer -- Richard D. Barnet -- John M. Hoerner Jr. -- Nancy Huling -- Lea P. Stewart -- Lea P. Stewart -- Robert Abelman -- Shalom M. Fisch -- Bryce Allen -- P. Bryan Heidorn, J. Stephen Downie -- Amy R. Slagell -- Greg Pitts -- C. A. Tuggle -- C. A. Tuggle -- C. A. Tuggle -- Everett M. Rogers -- Igor E. Klyukanov -- Rosemarie T. Truglio -- Jane D. Brown, Susannah R. Stern -- Renee A. Botta -- Marwan M. Kraidy -- Albert Bandura -- Marie-Louise Mares -- Stanley J. Baran -- Alla V. Yelyseieva -- Edward R. Hirt -- David S. Dubin -- Betsy Hearne -- Betsy Hearne -- Brent D. Ruben -- Hong Xu -- Marie-Louise Mares -- Martin L. Hatton -- Charles F. Aust -- Eric E. Harlan -- Eric E. Harlan -- David H. Goff -- Martin L. Hatton -- Martin L. Hatton -- David H. Goff -- Sandra L. Calvert -- Joseph Turow -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Richard Landesberg, Mark J. Pescatore -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- David Sedman -- Francesca Dillman Carpentier -- Mark J. Pescatore, Michael Silbergleid -- Michael Pfau, Erin Alison Szabo -- Heidi Julien -- Joanne Cantor -- Patti M. Valkenburg -- Amy I. Nathanson -- Glenn G. Sparks -- Shaoyi He -- Eric W. Rothenbuhler -- Michael Twidale -- Lawrence N. Strout -- Bonnie S. Brennen -- Christine Pawley -- Dale Jacquette -- Betsy Hearne.


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