Encyclopedia of volcanoes /editor-in-chief, Haraldur Sigurdsson ; associate editors, Bruce F. Houghton ... [and others] ; forword by Robert D. Ballard.

Encyclopedia of volcanoes /editor-in-chief, Haraldur Sigurdsson ; associate editors, Bruce F. Houghton ... [and others] ; forword by Robert D. Ballard. Volcanoes. - San Diego [California] : Academic Press, (c)2000. (Boston, Massachusetts : Credo Reference, (c)2012). - 1 online resource (110 entries) : 1829 images, digital files.

Includes bibliographical references.

The History of Volcanology / Origin and Transport of Magma -- Mantle of the Earth / Melting the Mantle / Migration of Melt / Plate Tectonics and Volcanism / Composition of Magmas / Origin of Magmas / Volatiles in Magmas / Physical Properties of Magmas / Magma Chambers / Rates of Magma Ascent / Plumbing Systems / Magma Ascent at Shallow Levels / Eruption -- Earth's Volcanoes and Eruptions: An Overview / Sizes of Volcanic Eruptions / Volcanic Episodes and Rates of Volcanism / Effusive Volcanism -- Basaltic Volcanoes and Volcanic Systems / Lava Flows and Flow Fields / Lava Domes and Coulees / Lava Fountains and Their Products / Basaltic Volcanic Fields / Flood Basalt Provinces / Submarine Lavas and Hyaloclastite / Seamounts and Island Building / Subglacial Eruptions / Explosive Volcanism -- Magmatic Fragmentation / Phreatomagmatic Fragmentation / Hawaiian and Strombolian Eruptions / Vulcanian Eruptions / Plinian and Subplinian Eruptions / Surtseyan and Related Phreatomagmatic Eruptions / Phreatoplinian Eruptions / Volcanic Plumes / Pyroclast Transport and Deposition / Pyroclastic Fall Deposits / Pyroclastic Surges and Blasts / Ignimbrites and Block-and-Ash Flow Deposits / Lahars / Debris Avalanches / Volcaniclastic Sedimentation Around Island Arcs / Calderas / Composite Volcanoes / Scoria Cones and Tuff Rings / Extraterrestrial Volcanism -- Volcanism on the Moon / Volcanism on Io / Volcanism on Venus / Volcanism on Mars / Cryovolcanism in the Outer Solar System / Volcanic Interactions -- Volcanic Gases / Geothermal Systems / Surface Manifestations of Geothermal Systems with Volcanic Heat Sources / Deep Ocean Hydrothermal Vents / Volcanic Lakes / Mineral Deposits Associated with Volcanism / Volcanic Hazards -- Volcanic Ash Hazards to Aviation / Volcanic Aerosol and Global Atmospheric Effects / Hazards from Pyroclastic Flows and Surges / Lava Flow Hazards / The Hazard from Lahars and Jokulhlaups / Hazards of Volcanic Gases / Volcanic Tsunamis / Volcanic Seismicity / Impacts of Eruptions on Human Health / Volcanic Contributions to the Carbon and Sulfur Geochemical Cycles and Global Change / The Ecology of Volcanoes: Recovery and Reassembly of Living Communities / Volcanism and Biotic Extinctions / Eruption Response and Mitigation -- Seismic Monitoring / Ground Deformation, Gravity, and Magnetics / Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring / Synthesis of Volcano Monitoring / Volcano Warnings / Volcanic Crises Management / Volcanic Hazards and Risk Management / Risk Education and Intervention / Economic Benefits and Cultural Aspects of Volcanism -- Exploitation of Geothermal Resources / Volcanic Soils / Volcanic Materials in Commerce and Industry / Volcanoes and Tourism / Archaeology and Volcanism / Volcanoes in Art / Volcanoes in Literature and Film / Catalog of Historically Active Volcanoes on Earth / Robert D. Ballard -- The Editors -- Haraldur Sigurdsson -- Haraldur Sigurdsson -- Raymond Jeanloz -- Paul D. Asimow -- Martha J. Daines -- Michael R. Perfit and Jon P. Davidson -- Nick Rogers and Chris Hawkesworth -- Timothy L. Grove -- Paul Wallace and Alfred T. Anderson, Jr. -- Frank J. Spera -- Bruce D. Marsh -- Malcolm J. Rutherford and James E. Gardner -- Charles R. Carrigan -- Claude Jaupart -- Tom Simkin and Lee Siebert -- David M. Pyle -- Haraldur Sigurdsson -- George P.L. Walker -- Christopher R.J. Kilburn -- Jonathan H. Fink and Steven W. Anderson -- John A. Wolff and Janet M. Sumner -- Charles B. Connor and F. Michael Conway -- Peter R. Hooper -- Rodey Batiza and James D.L. White -- Ralf Schmidt and Hans-Ulrich Schmincke -- John L. Smellie -- K.V. Cashman, B. Sturtevant and P. Papale ... [and others] -- Meghan Morrissey, Bernd Zimanowski and Kenneth Wohletz ... [and others] -- S. Vergniolle and M. Mangan -- Meghan M. Morrissey and Larry G. Mastin -- Raffaello Cioni, Paola Marianelli and Roberto Santacroce ... [and others] -- James D.L. White and Bruce Houghton -- B.F. Houghton, C.J.N. Wilson and R.T. Smith ... [and others] -- Steven Carey and Marcus Bursik -- Colin J.N. Wilson and Bruce F. Houghton -- B.F. Houghton, C.J.N. Wilson and D.M. Pyle -- Greg A. Valentine and Richard V. Fisher -- A. Freundt, C.J.N. Wilson and S.N. Carey -- James W. Vallance -- Tadahide Ui, Shinji Takarada and Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto -- Steven Carey -- Peter W. Lipman -- Jon Davidson and Shan De Silva -- Dirk Vespermann and Hans-Ulrich Schmincke -- Paul D. Spudis -- Rosaly Lopes-Gautier -- L.S. Crumpler and Jayne G. Aubele -- James R. Zimbelman -- Paul Geissler -- Pierre Delmelle and John Stix -- Fraser Goff and Cathy J. Janik -- Manfred P. Hochstein and Patrick R.L. Browne -- David A. Butterfield -- Pierre Delmelle and Alain Bernard -- Noel C. White and Richard J. Herrington -- T.P. Miller and T.J. Casadevall -- Michael J. Mills -- Setsuya Nakada -- Donald W. Peterson and Robert I. Tilling -- Kelvin S. Rodolfo -- Glyn Williams-Jones and Hazel Rymer -- James E. Beget -- Stephen R. McNutt -- Peter J. Baxter -- Michael A. Arthur -- Ian W.B. Thornton -- Michael R. Rampino and Stephen Self -- Stephen R. McNutt -- John B. Murray, Hazel Rymer and Corinne A. Locke -- John Stix and Helene Gaonac'h -- Stephen R. McNutt, Hazel Rymer and John Stix -- Christopher G. Newhall -- Servando De La Cruz-Reyna, Roberto Meli P. and Roberto Quaas W. -- Russell Blong -- David Johnston and Kevin Ronan -- Stefan Arnorsson -- Chien-Lu Ping -- Jonathan Dehn and Stephen R. McNutt -- Haraldur Sigurdsson and Rosaly Lopes-Gautier -- Stephen L. Harris -- Haraldur Sigurdsson -- Haraldur Sigurdsson and Rosaly Lopes-Gautier -- Tom Simkin and Lee Siebert.

Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical world. Our paradoxical fascination with them stems from their majestic beauty and powerful, if sometimes deadly, destructiveness. Notwithstanding the tremendous advances in volcanology since ancient times, some of the mystery surrounding volcanic eruptions remains today. The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes summarizes our present knowledge of volcanoes. Through its thematic organization around the melting of the earth, it provides a comprehensive source of information on the multidisciplinary influences of volcanic eruptions--both the destructive as well as the beneficial aspects. The majority of the chapters focus on the geoscience-related aspects of volcanism (radioactive heat source, melting rock, ascent of magma, surface phenomena associated with exiting magma, extraterrestrial volcanism, et cetera). In addition, complementary chapters discuss the multidisciplinary aspects of volcanism; these include the history of volcanology, geothermal energy resources, interaction with the oceans and atmosphere, health aspects of volcanism, mitigation of volcanic disasters, post-eruption ecology, and the impact of eruptions on organismal biodiversity. See the Article Index for a complete list. In addition to its appeal to educators, students, and professional and amateur scientists, the Encyclopedia of Volcanoes functions as an important information resource for administrators and officials responsible for developing and implementing volcanic hazard mitigation around the world.



Electronic books.

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