Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible /James Strong.

Strong, James, 1822-1894.,

Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible /James Strong. - Updatedition. edition. - Peabody, Massachusetts : Hendrickson Publishers, (c)2007. - xii, 1685 pages, 3. pages of plates : maps ; 29 cm. +

Dictionaries have their own title pages.

Introduction. Getting the most out of Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible; Concordance features; Abbreviations. -- Main concordance. -- Appendix of pronouns, prepositions, common words, et cetera -- Dictionary of Hebrew and Aramaic words. Dictionary features and transliteration table; Introduction; Dictionary of Hebrew and Aramaic words. -- Dictionary of Greek words. Dictionary features and transliteration table; Introduction; Dictionary of Greek words. -- Maps.

Allows the reader to easily find all biblical occurrences of a word in the King James Version; points the reader to the underlying Hebrew and Greek words using the Strong?s numbering system; updated Hebrew and Greek dictionaries give brief definitions of each word of the original languages.?Cover.

9781565633599 9781598560664 9781598563788

Greek language, Biblical--English.--Dictionaries
Hebrew language--English.--Dictionaries


BS425 / .S776 2007 BS425