The parallel apocrypha : Greek text, King James Version, Douay Old Testament, the Holy Bible by Ronald Knox, Today's English Version, New Revised Standard Version, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible /

The parallel apocrypha : Greek text, King James Version, Douay Old Testament, the Holy Bible by Ronald Knox, Today's English Version, New Revised Standard Version, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible / John R. Kohlenberger III, general editor. - New York : Oxford University Press, (c)1997. - lix, 1188 pages ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

Acknowledgments -- Preface to Today's English version -- Preface to the Apocryphal/Deuterocanoncial books of the Revised new standard version -- Contributors -- The contents and character of the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books / A view from history : the place of the Apocrypha in the Jewish community / The Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : an Orthodox view / The Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : a Catholic view / The Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : an Anglican/Episcopalian view / The Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : a Protestant view / The Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : an evangelical view / The texts and translations of the parallel Apocrypha / The Books of the Apocrypha -- Books and additions to Esther and Daniel that are in the Roman Catholic, Greek, and Slavonic Bibles -- Tobit -- Judith -- Esther (Greek) -- Wisdom of Solomon -- Ecclesiasticus (of the wisdom of Jesus son or Sirach -- Baruch -- Letter of Jeremiah (Baruch 6) -- Prayer of Azariah and the song of the three Jews (Daniel 3.24-90) -- Susanna (Daniel 13) -- Bel and the dragon (Daniel 14) -- 1 Maccabees -- 2 Maccabees -- Nooks in the Greek and Slavonic Bibles; not in the Roman Catholic Canon -- Prayer of Manasseh (Greek, KJV, TEV, NRSV) -- Psalm 151 (Greek, NRSV) -- 3 Maccabees (Greek, NRSV) -- In the Slavonic Bible and in the Latin Vulgate appendix -- 2 Esdras (Latin, KJV, TEV, NRSV) -- In an appendix to the Greek Bible -- 4 Maccabees -- The books of the Apocrypha in alphabetical order -- Baruch -- Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14) -- Ecclesiasticus (or the wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach) -- 1 Esdras (Greek, KJV, TEV, NRSV) -- 2 Esdras (Greek, KJV, TEV, NRSV) -- Esther (Greek) -- Judith -- Letter of Jeremiah (Baruch 6) -- 1 Maccabees -- 2 Maccabees -- 4 Maccabees (Greek, NRSV) -- Prayer of Azariah and the song of the three Jews (Daniel 3.24-90) -- Prayer of Manasseh (Greek, KJV, TEV, NRSV) -- Psalm 151 (Greek, NRSV) -- Susanna (Daniel 13) -- Tobit -- Wisdom of Solomon. Judith L. Kovacs -- Sarah J. Tanzer -- Demetrios J. Constantelos -- John J. Collins -- Mary Chilton Callaway -- Walter J. Harrelson -- D.A. Carson -- John R. Kohlenberger III --



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