I Am God the Son Read My Story.

Towns, Elmer,

I Am God the Son Read My Story. [print] - Heritage Builders 2016. - 352 pages : illustrations

Part One--Based on Matthew's Gospel Part Two--Based on Mark's Gospel Part Three--Based on Luke's Gospel Part Four--Based on John's Gospel

I Am God the King -- The Record of My Geneaology -- The Wise Men Visit Me -- John the Baptizer Begins Preaching -- I Am Tempted by Satan to Sin -- The Sermon on the Mount -- Giving, Praying, Fasting, Trusting -- Your Relationship to Others -- I Perform Miracles -- Getting a Friend to Me -- Choosing My Disciples -- John the Baptizer -- The Sabbath -- The Sermon by the Sea -- The Murder of John the Baptizer -- Follow God's Commands -- My Church Is Introduced -- A Meeting With God -- Childlike Faith -- The Rich Young Ruler -- On the Way to Jerusalem -- The Triumphant Entry -- I Teach With Stories -- I Denounce the Scribes and Pharisees -- The Mount of Olives Discourse -- My Coming Kingdom -- The Passion Week -- My Death and Burial -- The Empty Tomb. I Am God the Servant -- The Beginning of My Ministry -- I Am the Messiah -- My Healing Power -- My Message to a Lost and Dying World -- My Healing Nature -- Walking on the Water -- The Problem with Traditions -- Who do You Say That I AM? -- My Godhood Revealed -- Teaching About the Kingdom of God -- I Set my Course for Jerusalem -- Teaching in the Temple -- The Mount of Olives Discourse -- My Last Supper With My Disciples -- My Crucifixion -- My Temporary Tomb. I Am God the Son of Man -- The Birth of John the Baptizer -- My Journey on Earth Begins at My Birth -- The Ministry of John the Baptizer -- I Am Tempted by Satan in the Desert -- I Call My Disciples -- I Quickly End the Debate About the Sabbath -- The Good News of My Miracles Starts to Spread -- Preaching the Good News -- The Twelve Disciples are Commissioned -- The Seventy are Sent Out in My Name -- I Teach My Disciples the Lord's Prayer -- Warnings and Encouragement For My Followers -- News From Jerusalem -- I Heal a Man on the Sabbath -- The Parable of the Lost Sheep -- Parables for My Disciples and for the Pharisees -- I Talk about My Coming Back to Earth -- Settng My Sights on Jerusalem -- Zacchaeus -- Controversy in the Temple -- Teaching About the Future -- My Final Days on Earth -- My Crucifixion -- My Ascension Back to Heaven. I Am God the Son of God -- I Am God the Son -- My First Miracle -- A Night Interview with Nicodemus -- The Story of the Samaritan Woman -- Proof That I AM God -- Two Miracles and a Lesson -- The Coming of the Holy Spirit -- An Argument with Religious Leaders -- I Heal a Man Born Blind -- I Am the Good Shepherd -- I Raies Lazarus From teh Dead -- My Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem -- My Last Supper With My Disciples -- The Upper Room Discourse -- I Am the True Vine -- The Testing of Your Faith -- My Prayer to be Glorified -- I AM Betrayed, Arrested, and Forsaken -- My Death on the Cross -- Peter, John and Mary Visit the Empty Tomb -- I Appear on the Lake Shore -- Excerpts From the Psalms.

In this book are written different aspects of the key events from the life of God the Son on the earth. You will learn about the disciples that followed Him, and hte millions of people whose lives He changed. You will learn how to live your life here on earth, and you will learn of the life to come in Heaven. You can have confidence that what He says is truth, for it was Jesus that said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." You can absolutely trust in the things that are taught in His Word, so study it carefully to know what He said. This is a paraphrase of the Scriptures, based on the Gospels, that is different than anything you have ever read before. Jesus is the narrator and you are walking in His footsteps. Let Him change your life forever.


Columbia International University--Faculty, Alumni and alumnae

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