Egyptian mythology : a guide to the gods, goddesses, and traditions of ancient Egypt /

Pinch, Geraldine,

Egyptian mythology : a guide to the gods, goddesses, and traditions of ancient Egypt / Geraldine Pinch. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, (c)2004. - xi, 257 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Originally published as: Handbook of Egyptian mythology. ©2002.

Chronology -- Introduction: What is a Myth? -- Myth and geography -- History and the source of Egiptian myth -- Protodynastic (Dynasty 0) and early dynastic periods (Dynasties 1-2): c. 3200-2686 BCE: Early Kings -- King and the Gods -- Old Kingdom (Dynasties 3-6) and first intermediate period (Dynasties 7-11): c. 2686-2055 BCE: Pyramid builders -- Pyramid texts -- Middle Kingdom and second intermediate period (Dynasties 11-17): c.2055-1550 BCE: Coffin texts -- Literature -- Magic and popular religion -- New Kingdom (Dynasties 18-20 and third intermediate period (Dynasties 21-24): c. 1550-747 BCE: Temples and Kings -- Underworld books -- Book of the dead -- Mythology in literature -- End of the new Kingdom -- Late period and Ptolemaic period (Dynasties 25-30 and the Ptolemies): 747-30 BCE: Memphite Theology -- Persians and Greeks -- Alexandria and Memphis -- Priests and temples under the Ptolemies -- Isis and Horus -- Roman period: 30 BCE-395 CE: Plutarch's Osiris -- Demotic literature -- Land of magicians -- Post pharaonic Egypt: Mythical time lines: Linear times: Chaos -- Emergence of the Creator -- Creation -- Period of direct rule by the creator sun god -- Period of rule by other gods -- Period of rule by kings -- return to chaos -- Cyclical times: Egyptian year -- Solar cycle -- Journey of the sound -- Deities, themes and concepts: Aker -- Akhet -- Ammut -- Amun (Amon, Ammon, Amen) -- Anat (Anath, Anta) -- Andjety (Anedjeti) -- Anti (Anty) -- Anubis (Anpu, Inpw) -- Anuket (Anukis) -- Apis -- Apophis (Apep) -- Arsaphes -- Ash -- Astarte (Ashtarte) -- Aten (Aton) -- Atum (Atem) -- Baal -- Babi (Baba) -- Baboons -- Banabdjedet (Banebdjed) -- Bastet (Bast, Boubastis, Pasht) -- Bat -- Bata -- Benu Bird (Phoenix) -- Bes and Beset -- Birds -- Boats -- Cattle -- Crocodiles -- Djed Pillar -- Ennea of Heliopolis -- Eye of Ra -- Eyes of Horus -- Feline Deities -- Geb -- Hand of Atum -- Hapy (Hapi) -- Hathor (Hwt-hr) -- Hatmehyt -- Heh Gods -- Heka (Hika) -- Heqet (Heqat, Hekat) -- Heryshef (Arsaphes, Harsaphes) -- Hippopotamus Goddnesses -- Horemakhet (Harmachis) -- Horus (Hor) -- Horus the Child (Harpokrates, Harpocrates) -- Hu -- Ihy -- Imhotep (Imouthes) -- Ipet (Opet) -- Isis -- Iusaas -- Khentamentiu (Khentamenti) -- Khenty-Khety -- Khepri (Khepry, Khopri) -- Khnum (Chnum) -- Khonsu (Khans, Chons) -- Kings and princes -- Loltus -- Maat (Ma'et) -- Mafdet -- Magicians -- Mahes (Mihos) -- Mehet- Weret (Mehurit, Methyer) -- Mehit (Mehyt, Mekhit) -- Meretseger -- Meskhenet -- Min -- Montu (Mont, Month) -- Moon -- Mut (Mont) -- Nefertem (Nefertum) -- Nehebkau -- Neith (Neit) -- Nekhbet -- Nemty -- Neper (Nepri) -- Nephthys -- Nun (Noun, Nu) -- Nut (Nout) -- Ogdoad of hermopolis -- Onuris (Anhur, Inhur, Inhert) -- Osiris -- Pakhet -- Primeval Mound -- Primeval Ocean -- Ptah -- Ra (Re, Pre) -- Ract-Tawy (Raiyet) -- Ra-Horakhty -- Renenutet (Ernutet, Hermouthis, Thermouthis) -- Satet (Satis) and Anuket (Anukis) -- Sekhmet (Sakhmet) -- Serqet (Serket, Selkis) -- Seshat (Sechat) -- Seth (Set, Sutekh) -- Seven Hathors -- Shai (Shay) -- Shed -- Shentayet -- Shezmu -- Shu (Schu, Chou) and Tefnut (Tefenet) -- Sia and Hu (Hw) -- Snakes -- Sobek (Suchos) -- Sokar (Soker, Sokaris) -- Sons of Horus -- Sopdet (Sothis) -- Sopdu (Sopedu, Soped) -- Sothis -- Souls of Pe and Nekhen -- Sphinx -- Stars and planets -- Tatjenen (Tatenen) -- Taweret (Tweret, Taurt, Thoeris) -- Tayet -- Tefnut -- Thoth -- Two Ladies -- Wadjyt (Wadjet, Ouadjet, Uto) -- Wepwawet (Upwaut) -- Weret-Hekau -- Wosret -- Egiptian myth: Annotated print and nonprint resources:Print resources: General works and Egyptian culture -- Egyptian religion and myth -- Books and articles on Egyptian myth in other languages -- English translations of ancient texts -- Selection of literature influenced by Egyptian myth -- Nonprint resources: Videos -- Web sites and CD-Roms -- Glossary -- Appendix: Primary sources -- Index -- About the author.

From stories of resurrected mummies and thousand-year-old curses to powerful pharaohs and the coveted treasures of the Great Pyramids, ancient Egypt has had an unfaltering grip on the modern imagination. Now, in Egyptian mythology, Geraldine Pinch offers a comprehensive introduction that untangles the mystery of Egyptian mythology spanning ancient Egyptian culture from 3200 BC to AD 400. Pinch opens a door to this hidden world and casts light on its often-misunderstood belief system. She discusses the nature of myths and the history of Egypt, from the predynastic to the postpharaonic period. She explains how Egyptian culture developed around the flooding of the Nile, or the "inundation," a phenomenon on which the whole welfare of the country depended, and how aspects of the inundation were personified as deities. She explains that the usually cloudless skies made for a preoccupation with the stars and planets. Indeed, much early Egyptian mythology may have developed to explain the movement of these celestial bodies. She provides a timeline covering the seven stages in the mythical history of Egypt and outlining the major events of each stage, such as the reign of the sun God. A substantial A to Z section covers the principal themes and concepts of Egyptian mythology as well as the most important deities, demons, and other characters. For anyone who wants to know about Anubis, the terrifying canine god who presided over the mummification of bodies and guarded burials, or Hathor, the golden goddess who helped women to give birth and the dead to be reborn, or an explanation of the nun, the primeval ocean from which all life came, Egyptian Mythology is the place to look. Spanning Ancient Egyptian culture (circa 3200 BC to AD 400), the handbook of Egyptian mythology is the only complete survey of Egyptian mythology of its kind available in English.

9780195170245 9781576072424


BL2441 / .E397 2004 BL2441