Job /editor Tremper Longman III.

Longman, Tremper, Iii.

Job /editor Tremper Longman III. - Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Book House, (c)2016. - 496 pages : 23 cm. - Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms .

ColoradoNTENTS -- The prologue: The suffering and patience -- Job's lament -- The debate between Job and his three friends : First cycle -- Eliphaz's first speech -- Job's first response -- Bildad's first speech -- Job's second response -- Zophar's first speech -- Job's third response -- The debate between Job and his three friends : Second cycle -- Eliphaz's second speech -- Job's forth response -- Bildad's second speech -- Job's fifth response -- Zophar's second speech -- Job's sixth response -- The debate between Job and his three friends : Third cycle -- Eliphaz's third speech -- Job's seventh response -- Bildad's third speech -- Job's eighth response -- Zophar's third speech -- Job's ninth response -- Job's monologue -- Where is wisdom found -- The months of old -- Treated with disdain -- Protest of innocence -- Elihu's speech -- Yahweh's speeches and Job's responses -- Job's restoration REFLECTIVE ESSAYS -- Heaven as Royal Court, and the role of the accuser -- The possibility of innocence -- Godliness and reward -- Grumbling at God -- The disciplinary nature of suffering -- Hard service on Earth for humans -- The role of relationships (community) in suffering -- Retribution theology in a nutshell -- The authority of tradition -- Accusing God of injustice -- Repent and be restored -- God the destroyer -- Speaking unjustly about God -- The human condition: Short days and full of trouble -- Eliphaz in the light of Psalm -- "God hates me": A reflection on the emotions of God -- A bad end for the wicked -- "I know that my Redeemer lives" -- The short-lived prosperity of the wicked -- The patience of Job -- The aseity of God: Do people benefit God? -- Putting God on trial -- Those who oppress the vulnerable -- Maggot theology -- Imprecating one's enemies -- Fear of the Lord -- When life is good -- The corrosive and redemptive effects of shame -- I am innocent! -- Inspired by the Spirit -- Revelatory dreams -- People get nothing from God -- God gets nothing from people -- Speaking on God's behalf -- Pain as God's megaphone -- He puts a seal on the hand of every person -- Humanity's place in God's creation -- God distributes wisdom as He wills: The case of the Ostrich -- Is Job a model of prayer in suffering? -- Being silent in suffering -- Behemoth and Leviathan: The power of the mythic imagination -- Is it for no good reason that Job fears God? -- Gift, not reward -- Is Job a theodicy?

This volume considers theological implications of the wisdom texts found in the book of Job as well as their literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying interest and training levels to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. This built-in versatility has application for both pastors and teachers.



Old Testament Bible Study. Old Testament Bible Study. Old Testament Bible Study. Old Testament Commentaries.

Job Commentaries.

Hebrew - HEB.

BS1415 / .J63 2016 BS1415