Basic Christian doctrinesby Oswald T. Allis ... [and others] Edited by Carl F.H. Henry.

Basic Christian doctrinesby Oswald T. Allis ... [and others] Edited by Carl F.H. Henry. - [first edition.. - New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (c)1962. - 302 pages 24 cm. - Contemporary evangelical thought .

"First published as a series in Christianity today."

The knowledge of God : general and special revelation The knowledge of God : the saving acts of God The knowledge of God : the inspiration of the Bible The attributes of God : the incommunicable attributes The attributes of God : the communicable attributes The holy trinity The decrees of God Predestination Creation Angels Satan and the demons Providence and preservation Miracles The origin and nature of man : imago dei The covenant of works The origin and nature of sin Original sin, imputation, and inability The covenant of grace The person of Christ : incarnation and virgin birth The person of Christ : the kenotic theory The person of Christ : death, resurrection, ascension The mediatorial offices of Christ : prophet, priest, king The atonement The intercessory work of Christ The work of the Holy Spirit Common grace Effectual calling Regeneration Repentance and conversion Faith The mystical union Justification by faith Adoption Sanctification (the law) The perseverance of the saints The nature of the church The government of the church Baptism and the Lord's supper Other means of grace Death and the state of the soul after death The second coming : millennial views The resurrection of the dead and final judgment The final state : heaven and hell A postscript on theology Carl F.H. Henry -- Addison H. Leitch -- George E. Ladd -- Philip E. Hughes -- Fred H. Klooster -- Anthony A. Hoekema -- J. Kenneth Grider -- Geoffrey W. Bromiley -- William Childs Robinson -- Harold B. Kuhn -- Bernard Ramm -- G.C. Berkouwer -- Andrew K. Rule -- Henry Stob -- John H. Gerstner -- Oswald T. Allis -- J. Oliver Buswell -- Cornelius van Til -- Herbert M. Carson -- F.F. Bruce -- Wayne E. Ward -- Ralph Earle -- Samuel J. Mikolaski -- Leon Morris -- Robert Paul Roth -- John F. Walvoord -- M. Eugene Osterhaven -- J. Norval Geldenhuys -- Otto Michel -- Jusius R. Mantey -- Calvin D. Linton -- William A. Mueller -- H.D. McDonald -- J. Theodore Mueller -- John Murray -- W. Boyd Hunt -- James I. Packer -- Edward John Carnell -- Merrill C. Tennery -- Frank E. Gaebelein -- J.G.S.S. Thomson -- William M. Arnett -- Walter W. Wessel -- J.A. Motyer -- Roger Nicole.



Theology, Doctrinal.

BT80 / .B375 1962 BT80