Modern prose, form and style.

O'Connor, William Van, 1915-1966.,

Modern prose, form and style. - New York, Crowell (c)1959. - 562 pages 24 cm.

The notebooks The notebooks The journals A writer's diary Under whatever sky Talk of the town Samuel Butler -- Henry James -- Arnold Bennett -- Virginia Woolf -- Irwin Edman -- The New Yorker. An outline of biography from Plutarch to Strachey Sir John Harington Joseph Conrad Virginia Woolf The legend of Dylan Thomas My mother and her relatives Autobiographical sketch Early success Wilbur Cross -- Lytton Strachey -- Bertrand Russell -- Christopher Isherwood -- Time -- George Bernard Shaw -- D.H. Lawrence -- F. Scott Fitzgerald. Poets of the English language Eminent post-Victorian Bloomsday's child Miss Porter's new stories Reader's choice "Inner-directed" and "other-directed" Capital Maggie, a girl of the streets The Great Gatsby An American tragedy Soldier's pay A farewell to arms The grapes of wrath Robert A. Hume -- Aileen Pippett -- Time -- Gertrude Buckman -- Charles J. Rolo -- Lionel Trilling -- The New York Times -- The New York Times -- The Times Literary Supplement -- The Times Literary Supplement -- The Times Literary Supplement -- The Times Literary Supplement -- The Times Literary Supplement. Ugly words Sound and sense of words More on ugly words J. Donald Adams -- John P. Sisk -- J. Donald Adams. "Bloody-mind professors" : the anti-social role of some intellectuals Bloody-minded professors? Peter Viereck -- Richard H. Rovere. French fiction and American reality Wanted : an American novel A lesson read in American books Notes on reading American literature abroad Raymond Leopold Bruckberger -- Life -- Robert Penn Warren -- Ruth N. Myers. Letters to his daughter Impressions of Japan The dirty street The wreck of the Commodore The comic strip in American life Former students The nightingale song Here is New York F. Scott Fitzgerald -- William Faulkner -- Joseph Warren Beach -- Stephen Crane -- The Times Literary Supplement -- Irwin Edman -- Noel Perrin -- E.B. White. Ernest Hemingway Scholarly style, or the lack thereof Sociological habit patterns in linguistic transmogrification American prose today Politics and the English language The cliche expert testifies on baseball Harvey Breit -- Sheridan Baker -- Malcolm Cowley -- Geoffrey Moore -- George Orwell -- Frank Sullivan. English : his sisters and his cousins and his aunts American pronunciation American and British English The nature of slang Charlton Laird -- Thomas Pyles -- Charles Shain -- H.L. Mencken. Writing prose The Sermon on the Mount -- Of love Hyrdiotaphia, or urn burial The areopagitica A modest proposal Books The idea of a university The autobiography Studies in the history of the Renaissance Self-reliance "What Paul Bourget thinks of us" The art of fiction Recent prose W. Somerset Maugham -- Francis Bacon -- Thomas Browne -- John Milton -- Jonathan Swift -- Samuel Johnson -- John Henry Newman -- Thomas Henry Huxley -- Walter Horatio Pater -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Mark Twain -- Henry James -- Robert Graves, Alan Hodge. The reading and writing of short stories Story, theme, and situation Why do we teach poetry? The art of the short story Eudora Welty -- Elizabeth Bowen -- Archibald MacLeish -- Anonymous. The vigilantes Literature and censorship The future of censorship Close-up of Britain's censor Library Bill of Rights Labeling Censorship on comic books : a statement in opposition on civil liberties grounds Fred B. Millett -- John Courtney Murray, S.J. -- Paul Blanshard -- George Steiner -- American Library Association -- American Library Association -- American Civil Liberties Union.


English language--Rhetoric.
American literature.
English literature.

PE1417 / .M634 1959