Christ's principles of teaching : illustrated from the gospel of Matthew /

Benn, Gerald D. A.,

Christ's principles of teaching : illustrated from the gospel of Matthew / Christ's Parables of Teaching By Gerald D.A. Benn. - 1961. - v, 121 leaves ; 29 cm.


CHAPTER I. The Incomparable Teacher and His Person In Relation to Himself -- Christ's Divine Nature -- Christ's Use of Divine Knowledge -- Christ's Human Nature -- Christ's Use of Human Knowledge -- Christ's Individuality -- Christ's Position -- Christ's Authority -- Christ's Constancy -- Principles Established -- In Relation to the Supernatural -- The Reason for Miracles -- What the Miracles Accomplished -- Princples Established CHAPTER II. The Incomparable Teacher and His Relation to the Life Situation In Relation to the Natural -- Christ's Use of the Physical Situation -- Christ's Use of the Natural Realm -- Christ's Application of the Physical Truths -- Principles Established -- In Relation to the Informal Situation -- Jesus' Break from the Formal -- How Jesus Broke from the Formal -- Jesus Taught int he Life Situation -- Jesus Taught as the Occasion Arose -- Principles Established CHAPTER III. The Incomparable Teacher and His Contact With the Learner The Manner of Achieving Contact -- The Magnetic personn of Christ -- Contact Achieved on the Basis of the Listener's Level -- Contact Achieved on the Basis of the Listener's Needs -- Principles Established -- The Manner of Achieving Voluntary Attention -- What is Voluntary Attention? -- Jesus' Role in Achieving Attention -- Jesus' Use of Scripture -- Jesus' Use of Contrast -- Jesus' Use of Figures of Speech -- Jesus' Use of Parables -- Jesus' Use of Illustrations -- Jesus' Use of Questions -- Principles Established -- The Manner of Achieving a Reaction -- The Lord's Goal in Relation to the Reaction -- The Lord Stimulated His Hearers -- The Lord Appealed to the Known -- The Lord Sought for a Decision -- Principles Established CHAPTER IV. The Incomparable Teacher and His Method Techniques His Teaching Was Purposeful -- The Lord Was Consistent -- The Lord's Two-fold Aim -- The Lord Sought to Meet a Spiritual Neeed -- Principles Established -- His Teaching Was Positive -- The Lord Taught With Directness -- The Lord Taught With the Conviction That what He Taught Was Truth -- Principles Established -- His Teaching Was Progressive -- The Reason for Teaching Progressively -- How the Lord Taught Progressively -- Principles Established -- His Teaching Was Methodical -- The Reason for Method in His Teaching -- His Teaching Was Methodical -- Principles Established -- His Teaching Sought to Produce Results.

Columbia Bible College--Dissertations.

BV4070 / .C475 1961