The role of religion in American life : an interpretive historical anthology /

The role of religion in American life : an interpretive historical anthology / edited by Robert R. Mathisen. - Washington, District of Columbia : University Press of America, (c)1982. - xii, 407 pages ; 23 cm.

Bradford's history of Plymouth plantation, 1606-1646 A modell of Christian charity The last will and testament of Mr. Robert Keayne Some thoughts concerning the present revival of religion in New England Seasonable thoughts on the state of religion in New England The testimony of Harvard College against George Whitefield -- Discourse concerning unlimited submission A calm address to our American colonies 1776 election sermon Attack on infidelity Forming the American Bible Society -- The need for western colleges -- Slavery Letters on slavery Address on slavery The church must take right ground The Bible against slavery Six sermons on the nature, occasions, signs ... of intemperance Justification by Scripture Letters to Rev. L.P. Judson Redeem Mexico from misrule and civil strife An address to Christians throughout the world -- Second inaugural address Address at the raising of the union flag over Fort Sumter What is Darwinism? Natural science and religion Evolution and religion Wealth The relation of wealth to morals Acres of diamonds Applied Christianity Social aspects of Christianity The new theology Present day theology A theology for the social gospel Our country The march of the flag America's mission The man nobody knows The world's most famous court trial: Tennessee evolution case -- Up to now A Christian manifesto Five years of the new deal Minersville school district volume Gobitis, and West Virginia State Band of Educ. volume Barnette -- McCollum volume Band of Educ., and Zorach volume Clauson -- Engel volume Vitale -- The churches and the clergy in World War II The National Council of Churches and our foreign policy Communist America -- Must it be? Civil religion in America The Jesus people William Bradford -- John Winthrop -- Robert Keayne -- Jonathan Edwards -- Charles Chauncy -- Jonathan Mayhew -- John Wesley -- Samuel West -- Timothy Dwight -- William Ellery Channing -- James H. Hammond -- James H. Thornwell -- Charles G. Finney -- Theodore D. Weld -- Lyman Beecher -- John Q. Adams -- Marcus Whitman -- Robert F. Stockton -- Abraham Lincoln -- Henry Ward Beecher -- Charles Hodge -- Asa Gray -- Henry Ward Beecher -- Andrew Carnegie -- William Lawrence -- Russell H. Conwell -- Washington Gladden -- Richard T. Ely -- Theodore T. Munger -- Washington Gladden -- Walter Rauschenbusch -- Josiah Strong -- Albert J. Beveridge -- William Jennings Bryan -- Bruce Barton -- Alfred E. Smith -- Edwin Lewis -- Charles Coughlin -- Ray Adams -- Arthur H. Darken -- Billy J. Hargis -- Robert N. Bellah -- Ronald M. Enroth.

BR515 / .R654 1982