Caregivers' highly valued factors for enrolling their children in California ACSI Christian schools /Dawn H. Rodriguez.

Rodriguez, Dawn H,

Caregivers' highly valued factors for enrolling their children in California ACSI Christian schools /Dawn H. Rodriguez. - first edition. - Columbia, South Carolina : [Unknown], (c)2014. - 238 pages

List of Tables List of Figures List of Appendices Chapter One: Introduction to the Study Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature Chapter Three: Design and Methodology Chapter Four: Findings of the Study Chapter Five: Conclusions, Discussions, and Recommendations

Christian Schools' Timeline -- Categories of the Factors -- Rating Biblical Values -- Rating Quality of Academics -- Rating Adherence to State Standards -- Rating Academic Reputation -- Rating Attention to Special Learning Needs -- Rating Number of Highly Qualified Teachers -- Rating Use of Technology in the Classroom -- Rating Discipline in the School -- Rating Safe Envrionment -- Rating Warmth of School Atmosphere -- Rating Care of the Student -- Rating Openness to Parent Input -- Rating Tuition and Other Expenses -- Rating distance from my house -- Rating Athletic Programs -- Rating Fine Arts Program -- Section 1: Means and Standard Deviation of Valued Factors -- Frequency of FIrst-choice Ranking for School Selection of Factors -- Frequency of Second-choice Ranking for School Selection of Factors -- Frequency of Third-choice Ranking for School Selection of Factors -- Frequency of Fourth-choice Ranking for School Selection of Factors -- Frequency of Fifth-choice Ranking for School Selection of Factors -- Summary of Frequency Rankings for First Through Fifth -- Responders' Number of Children in Grade-levels -- Responders' Number of Children in Grade-levels -- Grade Level Frequency of Choices -- Summary of Grouped Grade-level Choices -- Number of Responses for Item B -- Item B Coded Factors and Categories -- Improved Services: Biblical values -- Improved Services: Academics -- Improved Services: Safe environment -- Improved Services: School culture -- Improved Services: Student-centeredness -- Improved Services: Economic considerations -- Improved Services: Additional reasons -- Improved Services: Miscellaneous Categories -- Item C: Would You Recommend This School to Friends or Relatives? -- Item C: Number of Responses -- Item C: Recommend for Biblical values -- Item C: Recommend for Academics -- Item C: Safe environment -- Item C: Recommend for School Culture -- Item C: Recommend for Student-centeredness -- Item C: Recommend for Economic Considerations -- Item C: Recommend for Miscellaneous Categories -- Item D: Who Completed This Survey? -- Item E: What Is Your Education Level? -- Item E: First-choice Rankings According to Educational Level -- Item F: How Old Are You? -- Item F: First-choice Rankings According to Age Level -- Item G: Occupation? -- Item G: First-choice Rankings According to Occupation -- Item H: Responders' Regional Enrollment Based on School's City and Location -- Item H: Name of City and School? -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--Biblical Values -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--Academics -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--Safe Environment -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--School Culture -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--Student-centeredness -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--Economic Considerations -- Item I: Additional comments About Why Caregivers Choose Their School--Miscellaneous Categories -- Summary of Caregivers' Highly Valued Factors. Item C: Valued Factors of Responders Recommendng Their School -- Item C: Factor Categories Cited by Responders Recommending Their School -- Item I: Factor Categories Responders Valued in Their Additional Comments. A: A Christian School Survey -- B: Letter to ACSI Administrators -- C: Letter to Caregivers -- D: Letter to ACSCI Regional Director -- E: Second Letter to Caregivers -- F: Survey Data for Item B: Improved Services -- G: Rubric for Item C: Improved Services -- H: Survey Data for Item C: Commendations -- I: Rubric for Item C: Commendations -- J: Survey Data for Item G: Occupation of Responders -- K: Survey Data for Item H: Name of School and Name of City -- L1: Regions with Cities/Counties of Responders: Item H -- M1: Map of California Counties -- N: Survey Data Comments on Why Caregivers Chose Their School: Item: I -- O: Sample Comments from Items B, C, and I. Statement and Background of the Problem -- Significance of the Study -- Assumptions -- Delimitations -- Definition of Terms -- Summary. Cycles of Christian Education in America -- Highly Valued Factors -- Summary of the Review of Related Literature. Research Context -- Research Question -- Research Subjects -- Instrument -- Procedure -- Data Analysis Strategy -- Summary of Methodology. Rating of the Factors -- Ranking of the Factors -- Item A: Influencing Factors of Students' Grade Levels -- Item B: Comments from Responders Regarding Improved Services -- Item C: Commendations and Remarks of Responders -- Item D through H: Information about Responders -- Item I: Additional Comments by Responders -- Summary of the Findings. Summary of Study Design and Findings -- Conclusions -- Discussions -- Major Conclusions -- Limitations -- Recommendations -- Recommendations for Further Study -- Summary.

Columbia International University--Faculty, Alumni and alumnae

BS613 R63 2014 / .C374 2014