How do chaplains stay faithful to their evangelical distinctives in the USAF? /Richard W. Anderson.

Anderson, Richard W,

How do chaplains stay faithful to their evangelical distinctives in the USAF? /Richard W. Anderson. - first edition. - Columbia, South Carolina : [Unknown], (c)2008. - 116 pages

Tables Chapter 1: Statement of the Problem Chapter 2: Precedent Research Chapter 3: Research Methodology Chapter 4: Research Findings Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices

1. Demographic Data: Rank -- 2. Demographic Data: Denomination or Fellowship -- 3. Demographic Data: Age -- 4. Demographic Data: Number of Children -- 5. Demographic Data: Ethnicity -- 6. Demographic Data: Years in Full-time Ministry -- 7. Demographic Data: Current Status -- 8. Demographic Data: Number of Years in USAF Chaplaincy -- 9. Demographic Data: Years in Chaplaincy and Years to Retirement. Context of the Problem -- Theological Factors -- Psychological Factors -- Military Distinctives -- Purpose of the Study -- Research and Operational Questions -- Delimitations of the Problem -- Assumptions -- Definition of Terms -- Limitations of the Study -- Importance of the Study. Introduction -- Biblical Examples History of Military Chaplains -- Military Distinctives -- Summary. Description of the Research Method -- Overall Research Strategy -- Collection of Data -- Population -- Sampling -- Instrumentation -- Validation of the Instrument -- Analysis of Data -- Validating the Theory -- Plan for Presenting Findings. Chapter Overview -- Reporting of Data -- Summary of Demographics -- Evangelical Chaplains Beliefs -- Evangelical Chaplain Behaviors -- Evangelical Chaplains' Strategies -- Analysis of the Data -- Interpretation of the Research Findings -- Strategies for Staying Faithful -- Having a Regular Preaching and Teaching Ministry -- Being Certain of their Call into the USAF Chaplain Corps -- Witnessing and Doing Evangelism Regularly -- Keeping a strong relationship with their spouse -- Personal devotions--Regular Times for Prayer and Bible Study -- Theological Reflections on the Findings -- Summary Brief Summary -- Recommendation for Ministry Practice -- Recommendations for Evangelical Chaplains -- Recommendations for Chaplain Corps Leadership -- Recommendations for Church Leadership -- Recommendations for Future Study A. Evangelical USAF Chaplain Questionnaire -- B. Influences of Evangelical USAF Chaplain Questionnaire

Columbia International University--Faculty, Alumni and alumae

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