Global resource sharing with World Team : a study of World Team's relations to churches it plants and nurtures /

Yoder, Raymond Mark, 1914-,

Global resource sharing with World Team : a study of World Team's relations to churches it plants and nurtures / by Ray Yoder. - 1999. - x, 168 leaves : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Typescript. I. The Problem II. Precedent Research III. Research Methodology IV. Research Findings V. Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices List of Graphs

Introduction -- Statement of the Problem -- Delimitation of the Problem -- Limitations of the Study -- Definition of Terms -- Identification of Variables of Interest -- Importance of the Study -- Importance for Personal Ministry. Theological Research -- Theology in Metaphors for the Church -- The vine -- The body -- Paul's Methodology of Church Planting -- Theology of Church Leadership -- Polity Research -- Purpose -- Vision -- Objectives -- Commitments -- Functions -- Methodology of church planting -- Missiological Research -- Background of Global Resource Sharing -- Dependency Issues of Global Resource Sharing -- Missiological tension caused by dependency -- The problems of dependency -- Characteristics producing dependency -- Independence sphere solutions for dependency -- Interdependence sphere solutions for dependency -- Benefits of Global Resource Sharing -- Methods to Initiate Global Resource Sharing -- Miscellaneous Books Related to Global Resource Sharing -- Conclusion. Statement of Research Type -- Overall Research Strategy -- Operational Definition of Terms -- Procedures for Implementation -- Procedures for Selecting Respondents -- Instrumentation -- Interpretation of Data -- Method of Reporting Findings. How are Churches Presently Dependent Upon World Team? -- RQ1: How Have Mission Agencies Created Dependency in te Past? -- RQ2: How Has World Team Created Dependency in the Past? -- RQ3: What is the Present State of Relationships between World Team Fields and the Churches that Those Fields Nurture? -- What Positive Models for Global Resource Sharing Have World Team and Other Church-Planting Missions Developed? -- RQ4: How Have World Team and Other Missions Shared Resources Without Creating Dependency? -- RQ5: How Have World Team and Other Missions Created Synergism through Sharing Resources? -- RQ6: How Have World Team and Other Missions Encouraged Churches to Become Viable Through Sharing Resources? -- RQ7: How Have World Team and Other Missions Broken Unwholesome Cycles that Take Away from Synergy, Viability, and Proper Interdependence? -- Foundations of Effective Partnerships -- Leaders' Advice and Miscellaneous Notes for Missionaries -- Advice and Notes from World Team Leaders -- Resources -- Giving -- Dependence, independence, and interdependence -- Resource sharing -- Culture -- Partnership -- Relationship -- World Team leadership -- Training -- Church -- Propogation of the Gospel -- Concluding thoughts -- Advice and Notes from non-World Team Leaders -- Resources -- Giving -- Dependence, independence, and interdependence -- Resource sharing -- Culture -- Partnership -- Relationship -- Non-World Team leadership -- Training -- Church -- Propagation of the Gospel -- Concluding thoughts -- Conclusion. Conclusions -- Recommendations -- Recommendations for World Team Leaders -- Recommendations for World Team Missionaries -- Recommendations for All Missionaries and Mission Leaders -- Recommendations for Further Study -- Summary. World Team's Church Planting Continuum -- World Team's Church Planting Process -- Categories of Partnership -- Interview Instrument -- Other Data from Interviews -- A Samplig of Principles and Concepts Found in Chapter Two and Chapter Four. Non-World Team inadvertently created dependency by: -- World Team inadvertently created dependency by: -- World Team sharing without creating dependency: -- Non-World Team sharing without creating dependency:.

Columbia International University--Dissertations.
World Team.

Indigenous church administration.

BV4070 / .G563 1999 BV4070