An evaluation of the biblical support presented by Wayne Grudem regarding the nature, role and exercise of non-apostolic prophecy in the New Testament and today /by Richard D. Kelso.

Kelso, Richard D,

An evaluation of the biblical support presented by Wayne Grudem regarding the nature, role and exercise of non-apostolic prophecy in the New Testament and today /by Richard D. Kelso. - 1999. - vii, 162 leaves ; 28 cm.

Typescript. "February 6, 1999." Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The Nature of Non-Apostolic Prophecy Chapter 3. The Role and Content of Non-Apostolic Prophecy Chapter 4: The Exercise of the Gift of Prophecy Chapter 5: Conclusion Tables

Why A Study of Wayne Grudem's Position Regarding the Gift of Prophecy? -- A Renewed Interest in Prophecy -- An Abundance of Literature on Prophecy -- The Basis for This Thesis -- Wayne Grudem, his Publications, and Assertions Regarding Prophecy -- Biographical Sketch -- Significant Books and Articles -- Grudem's Primary Assertions Regarding Prophecy - NT Apostles are the Counterparts to the OT Prophets -- NT Apostles have Limited Authority and Sometimes Err -- The Gift of Prophecy Continues Today -- A Middle Road -- The Response of the Critics -- The Approach of This Thesis -- Terminology-What Kind of Prophecy? -- Issues to be Considered -- An Issue Not Considered -- The Key Research Questions -- The Organization of This Thesis -- Expected Results. The Issue: Is Non-Apostolic Prophecy Distinct? -- The Certainty and Authority of OT Prophecy -- Grudem's Position: OT Prophecy Was Certain and Authoritative -- Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 2 Sam 12:25, 2 Kgs 20:4-6, Hag 1:13-OT prophets were messengers of God -- Jer 1:9, Ezek 2:7-The prophets precise words were of God -- Deut 18:19-22-A prophet's words had absolute authority -- Summary: The certainty and authority of OT prophecy -- A Review of Biblical Support Regarding OT Prophecy -- The initiation of the OT prophet into ministry -- The mission and message of the OT prophet -- The reception of the OT prophet -- Micaiah-No respect for bucking the "party line" -- Elijah-Vindicated by a miracle -- The "man of God" and the "old prophet"-Questions of obedience and authority -- Elisha and the bands of prophets-True prophecy squelched -- Balaam-God can speak through anyone -- Saul-A disobedient prophet -- Nathan-A revision? -- Deut 18:19-22-Was the law regarding prophets followed? -- Summary: A challenge to Grudem's monolithic concept of OT prophecy -- *-A Transition in Terminology -- Grudem's Position: Ambiguity Requires a New Term -- The Biblical and Extra-Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- Joel 2:28, 29-All God's people will prophesy -- A broad use of the word * in secular Greek -- A broad use of the Hebrew terms for "prophet" among the 1st century Jews -- Titus 1:12, Luke 22:64, John 4:19-A broad use of * in the NT -- The use of the term * in the 1st century -- Summary: A terminology change prevents ambiguity -- A Review of the Support for Grudem's Position -- Joel 2:28, 29-Any lack of authority and certainty? -- A broad range of prophetic phenomena in ancient culture -- A broad use of terms for "prophet" among postexilic Jews -- Titus 1:12, Luke 22:64, John 4:19-A broad use of * in the NT -- The early use of the term * -- Summary: A new vocabulary and a new focus -- The Certainty and Authority of Apostolic Prophecy -- Grudem's Position: OT Prophet and NT Apostle are Functional Equivalents -- Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- Apostles commissioned by Christ -- The NT correlates the apostles with the OT prophets -- The words of the apostles are of God -- Are the apostles ever given the title prophet? -- Summary: Grudem provides evidence that NT apostles were equivalent to OT prophets -- A Review of the Biblical Support Regarding Grudem's Position -- The apostles-sent by Christ to make disciples -- Are the apostles and the prophets equivalent groups? -- The OT prophets and NT apostles-exculsive authors of the canon? -- Summary: The apostles and the prophets: closely related but distinct -- The Certainty and Authority of Non-Apostolic Prophecy -- Grudem's Position: Not Certain and Without Authority of Actual Words -- The Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Corinthians 12-14-instruction regarding the gifts of the Spirit -- 1 Cor 14:29-Prophecies which need to be sifted -- 1 Cor 14:30-Prophecies which were intentionally neglected -- 1 Cor 14:36-No words of God from the Corinthians prophets -- 1 Cor 14:37-38-Prophets with less authority than an apostles -- 1 Cor 14:34-Women prophets who neither govern nor teach -- Other Biblical Support - Summary: Prophecy is appropriate, but without certainty and authority -- A Review of the Biblical Support Regarding Grudem's Position -- 1 Corinthians 12-14-Spiritual gifts are normal and necessary -- 1 Cor 14:29-Why evaluate prophecy? -- 1 Cor 14:30-33-Why interrupt a prophet? -- 1 Cor 14:36-38-A limit of authority -- 1 Cor 14:34-35-The propriety of women prophets -- Summary: Grudem overly denigrates prophecy as practiced in the local church -- Examples of Non-Apostolic Prophecy -- Grudem's Position: Examples Show Varying Degrees of Certainty -- Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- Acts 11:28-Agabus predicts a famine -- Acts 13:2-Is this really prophecy? -- Acts 19:6-New Christians at Ephesus prophesy at conversion -- Acts 21:4-Prophecies which Paul disobeys -- Acts 21:9-Philip's daughters as prophets -- Acts 21:10-11-Agabus: Scene II: A prophecy with two small mistakes -- Summary: Acts shows prophecy with differing levels of certainty -- A Review of hte Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- Acts 11:28-Agabus: a famine is coming -- Acts 13:2-Divine revelation, but not a prophecy -- Acts 19:6-Prophets at Ephesus -- Acts 21:4-A prophetic warning ignored -- Acts 21:9-Philip's daughters prophesy -- Acts 21:10-11-Agabus predicts Paul's imprisonment -- Summary: A limited revelation-exercise prophecy with care -- Conclusion: Non-Apostolic Prophecy has Distinct Features. The Issues: The Accomplishments and Message of Prophecy -- The Role of Prophecy in the NT Church -- Grudem's Position: Prophecy given to Nurture and Encourage the Church -- Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Cor 14:3-Anything that would build up, encourage, or commfort -- 1 Cor 14:31-Might prophecy include teaching? -- 1 Cor 14:20-25-Prophecy as a sign of God's blessing in a church -- Summary: Prophecy is to encourage and build up the church -- Review of the Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Cor 14:3-Prophecy strengthens, encourages, and comforts -- I Cor 14:31-Prophecy includes learning -- 1 Cor 14:20-25-The impact of exposed secrets -- Summary: A significant role for prophecy -- The Content of the Prophetic Message -- Grudem: Issues of Immediate and Often Personal Cocnern -- Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Cor 14:30-32-Based on a revelation from God -- 1 Cor 13:8-13-We see in a mirror dimly -- 1 Cor 13:2-Understanding mysteries and knowledge -- Acts 11:27-30 and 21:11-Two prophecies of Agabus -- 1 Timothy 1:18, 4:14-Timothy's gifts both given and revealed by prophecy -- II Timothy 3:15-17-The sufficiency of Scripture -- Summary: Prophecy-God's word for the occasion -- Review of the Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Cor 14:30-God is the source of the message -- 1 Cor 13:8-13-The revelation lacks detail and clarity -- 1 Cor 13:1-3-The balance of revelation -- Acts 11:27-30 and 21:11-Examples of prophetic prediction -- 1 Timothy 1:18, 4:14-A personal gift revealed -- 2 Tim 3:15-17-A qustion regarding the sufficiency of the Scriptures -- Summary: Prophecy a limited but effective message from God -- Summary. The Issue: How is the Gift of Prophecy to be Practiced? -- The Exercise of the Gift of Prophecy -- Grudem: Maintain Self Control, Seek the Gift, Practice the Gift in Love -- Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Cor 14:29-33-No ecstatic experience -- 1 Cor 14:1, 39-Should a believer seek the gift of prophecy? -- 1 Cor 12, 14 -Can all prophesy? -- 1 Cor 13:2-Prophesying with or without love-a crucial difference -- 1 Cor 12:29, 37-Who is a "prophet"? -- Summary: A practical ministry for the benefit of the assembly -- Review of the Biblical Support Offered by Grudem -- 1 Cor 14:29-33-The evidence of self-control --- 1 Cor 12:31; 14:1, 39-Encouragement to seek the gift of prophecy -- 1 Cor 12-The complementary nature of the spiritual gifts -- 1 Corinthians 13-Exercising the gift under the guiding principle of love -- 1 Cor 14:29, 37-To whom is given the title "prophet" -- Summary: An affirmation of key principles -- Summary: A broad framework for the exercise of the gift of prophecy. The Look Back-Review -- A Review of the Objectives -- The Nature of the Non-Apostolic Gift of Prophecy -- The Application of the Non-Apostolic Gift of Prophecy -- Summary: Some Exceptions to the Conclusions of Grudem -- The Look Ahead-Implications. The Prophets and Apostles Compared -- The Application of the Gift of Prophecy.

Grudem, Wayne A.--Views on prophecy.

Columbia International University. Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions --Dissertations.

Gifts, Spiritual--Biblical teaching.
Prophecy--Christianity--Biblical teaching.

BV4070 / .E935 1999 BV4070