Fasting, a biblical and practical approach /by Donald Vinson Winter.

Winter, Donald Vinson,

Fasting, a biblical and practical approach /by Donald Vinson Winter. - 1976. - iv, 92 leaves ; 28 cm.

Typescript. "A thesis presented ... in partial fulfillment fo the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Biblical Education." Introduction I. The Biblical Basis for Fasting II. The Practical Basis for Fasting III. The Effectual Way to Fast-A Method

The Interest in the Study -- The Purpose of the Study -- The Definition of Fasting. The Teaching in the Old Testament -- The Pentateuch -- The Fast of Moses -- The Day of Atonement -- The Historic Section of Scripture -- The Brief Fast of Joshua -- The Fast in Judges -- The Fasts in First and Second Samuel -- The Fasts in First and Second Kings -- The Fast in Second Chronicles -- The Response of God to Ezra's Fast -- The Fast of Nehemiah -- The Fast for Freedom -- The Poetic Section of Scripture -- The Prophetic Section Scripture -- The Prophet Isaiah on Fasting -- The Prophet Jeremiah on Fasting -- The Prophet Daniel on Fasting -- The Prophet Joel on Fasting -- The Prophet Jonah on Fasting -- The Prophet Zechariah on Fasting -- The Teaching in the New Testament -- The Practice of Fasting in the Gospels -- The Temptation of Jesus -- The Sermon on the Mount -- The Fasting of John's Disciples and the Pharisees -- The Example of the Early Church -- The Silence of the Epistles -- The Summary. The Reasons for Fasting -- The Two Problems to Consider -- The Problem of Obesity -- The Problem of Differentiating Between Appetite and Hunger -- The Physical Reasons for Fasting -- The Reduction of Weight by Fasting -- The Removing of Bodily Toxins by Fasting - The Resting of the Digestive Plant -- The Spiritual Reasons for Fasting -- The Need for Guidance -- The Fight for Personal Purity -- The Motivation of a Reward -- The Chief Reason: Companionship with Jesus Christ -- The Dangers to Consider -- The Danger of Being Ritual and Mechanical -- The Danger of False Fasts -- The Hunger Strike Fast -- The Reward-Oriented Fast -- The Ostentatious Fast -- The Danger of Over-Emphasis -- The Warning to Those with Physical Problems -- The Summary. The Limitation to a Private, Individual Fast -- The Past Failure of the Writer -- The Preparation for the Fast -- The Selecting of a Time -- The Examining of the Motive -- The Doctor's Permission Secured -- The Doctor's Permission Secured -- The Reducing of Food Consumption -- The Fast Day Planned -- The Selection of Scripture for Study and Meditation -- The Allowance for Sleep -- The Following Morning -- The Use of Hymns and Scripture Songs -- The Refreshment of Psalms and Proverbs -- The Return to the Major Portion of Scripture -- The Afternoon -- The Memorization of Scripture -- The Recording of Insights and Principles -- The Symptoms to Expect -- The Awareness of Hunger Feeligs -- The Awareness of Physical Weakness -- The Possible Headache -- The Problem of Bad Breath -- The Breaking of the Fast -- The Final Summary.

Columbia Bible College. Graduate School of Bible and Missions.

Fasting--Biblical teaching.

BV4070 / .F378 1976 BV4070