Program for teachers of Christian education at the Central American Theological Seminary in Guatemala, Central America /by David Rodolfo Mendieta.

Mendieta, David Rodolfo,

Program for teachers of Christian education at the Central American Theological Seminary in Guatemala, Central America /by David Rodolfo Mendieta. - 1997. - viii, 167 leaves ; 29 cm.

Typescript. "A ministry perspective project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts, Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions. 1. Justification and Purpose of the Program 2. Biblical Philosophy of Ministry 3. Philosophy of Christian Education 4. Structural and Participative Components of a Curriculum 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography List of Figures

Justification of this Project -- First and Ultimate Purpose of a Christian Education Program -- Methodological Process to Develop this Project -- Methodological Model of Curricular Design -- Correlation with Existing Programs. Divine Directives for Man -- Biblical Anthropological Foundations -- God has Established Man as Steward of His Creation -- Man is Interested in Himself and is Separated from God -- God Wanted to Establish a Dialogue with Fallen Man and has Given Him a Solution -- God Begins Society by Creating the Family -- Biblical Theological Foundations -- The Word Inspired by God is Central to the Christian Evangelical Faith -- The Church has the Responsibility of Contributing to the Formation of a New Man, Free in Jesus Christ -- The Church as Been a Chosen People to be Salt and Light in the Community -- Eternal and Cross-Cultural Concepts -- The God of Abraham is "El Shaddai," Almighty God, Sovereign and in Control of History -- God has Been Revealed through General, Special and Personal Revelation -- The Church Must be Directed by Men that Know the Times -- Methodology to Reach the Biblical Objectives -- To Know Jesus Christ Personally -- Submission to the Guidance of the Holy Spirit -- Submission to Jesus Christ's Lordship -- The Role of the Church -- Educational Function of the Church -- Administrative Function -- Salvific Function -- Contribution of the Biblical Institutes and Seminaries to the Student -- The Impact of Theological Institutions on the Present Ecclesiastical System -- Maintenance Mentality, Renovation of the System, or Lack of Advancement -- Conclusion. The Christian World View -- Metaphysical Considerations -- Epistemological Considerations -- Axiological Considerations -- Integrative, Guiding or Organizing Principle -- The Biblical Principle -- The Educational Organizing Principle -- Contextual Matrix -- The Church's Internal Analysis -- Cultural Context -- Christian Education -- Definition of Christian Education -- A Christian Justification of Education -- Objectives of Christian Education -- Purposes (primary) -- Goals (secondary) -- Objectives or Specific Measurement of Intents -- Relationship of the Individual to the Trinity and Angels -- Relationship of the Individual to the Word -- Relationship of the Individual to Himself -- Relationship of the Individual to Christ's Body -- Relationship of the Individual to the World -- Educational Philosophy -- Educational Principles -- The Nature of Man -- Models of Education -- Preliminary Remarks -- Biblical patterns of Spiritual and Ministerial Formation -- God and the Family (Nuclear, Israel, Church) -- Biblical Educational Principles -- God and the Family -- Illustration of Models of Education -- Illustration of Possible Models of Education -- Elements of a Learning Experience -- Conclusion. Definition of Curriculum -- Modular Curriculum -- Definition of the Ideal Professional (Profile) -- The Ideal Servant/teacher -- Personality (character) -- Knowledge -- Gifts and Ability -- Skills -- Spiritual Formation -- What the Student will Know -- What the Student will Become -- What the Student will Do -- Structural Components -- General Setting -- Experience in Training -- Value System -- General Objectives -- Purpose: Educational Guiding Principle -- Goals -- Objectives -- Plan of Studies or Curriculum: Methodological Guidance for Structure -- Orientation -- Subjects (courses) -- The Trinity (Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit) and Angels -- Spiritual life -- Christ's Body (the church) -- The Word (Bible) -- The world (citizens of light) -- Ministerial educational program -- Methodology -- Evaluation -- Participative Components -- Administration of the Program -- Admissions to the Program -- Levels of Study -- Teachers, Students, Resources -- Total Curriculum Correlation -- Conclusion. Components -- Methodological Model of Curricular Design -- Illustration of Possible Podels of School -- The Author's Model of School -- Elements of a Learning Experience -- Value Systems -- Holland's Two Track Analogy Adapted -- A Developmental Model of Discipline -- Total Curriculum Correlation.

Columbia International University. Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions --Dissertations.

Christian education--Study and teaching--Guatemala.

BV4070 / .P764 1997 BV4070