The East-West cooperation in the contemporary Chinese missionary movement /by Joseph S.P. Chu.

Chu, Joseph,

The East-West cooperation in the contemporary Chinese missionary movement /by Joseph S.P. Chu. - 1982. - xi, 111 leaves ; 29 cm.

Typescript. Ministry Perspective Project submitted in partial fulfullment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions, Columbia, South Carolina, June, 1982. Part One: Understanding the Contemporary Chinese Missionary Movement Part Two: The East-West Cooperation in the Contemporary Chinese Missionary Movement I. The East-West Cooperation in Historical Perspective II. The East-West Cooperation in Prayer III. The East-West Cooperation in Church Interaction IV. The East-West Cooperation in Missionary Training Training in the Institutional Setting -- V. The East-West Cooperation in Missionary Sending Virgin Islands East-West Cooperation in Cross-Cultural Mission Work Virgin IslandsI. The East-West Cooperation Towards the 21st Century Appendices

The Birth of the CCOWE Movement -- The First Chinese Christian World Missions Seminar -- The Tremendous Asset of Youth -- The Second Chinese Congress on World Evangelization. Formation of the First Chinese Foreign Missionary Society -- The Vision of One Man -- The Birth of CFMU and Her Early Workers -- The Ministry of the Chinese Foreign Missionary Union -- Pattern of Ministry in Makassar -- Fruitful labor among the Aborigines -- Winning both Overseas Chinese and Indonesian -- Training the Ministry -- What Can We Learn from This Historical Case?. The Place of Prayer in Missions -- How Should the East and West Cooperate in Prayer? -- Principles of Cooperation in Prayer -- A spirit of love and sincerity -- A strong sense of commitment -- Open communication -- To be specific in asking -- To persevere -- Expect an answer -- The only way to become a prayer warrior is to pray -- Practical Areas of Cooperation in Prayer -- Finding an individual prayer partner -- Organizing a Missionary Prayer -- Meeting in a local church -- Promoting Women Missionary Prayer Fellowship -- Spearheading prayer through Mission Organizations -- Encouraging family participation -- Interaction in Training Institutions -- The prayer warriors on the fields. Why the Chinese Churches Need Cooperation in Missions from West? -- Cooperation Will Give Them Understanding of Missions -- Cooperation Will Help Them Mobilize for Missions -- Cooperation Will Help Them Mature into Sending Churches -- How the Chinese Churches Can Cooperate with the West in Missions -- Principles of Cooperation -- Channels in Facilitate Cooperation -- Areas of Cooperation -- Forming sister churches -- Cooperation of ministers and church leaders -- Fellowship with the receiving church -- Cooperation in missions education -- Cooperation in missionary conference -- Cooperation in joint missions projects -- Cooperation in the exchange of missionaries -- Summary. Discovering the Areas of Cooperation in Sending Missionaries -- Interaction of Mission Societies with the Societies -- Making Use of the Western Mission Facilities -- Recruiting Chinese Young People to Serve in Western Missions -- Western Missions Helping to Develop Chinese Indigenous Missions -- Collaboration on the Fields -- Promoting International Missions -- Discovering the Strategy of Sending Chinese Missionaries -- Strategical Evaluation of the Missionary -- The bicultural missionary -- The substitutional missionary -- The adaptational missionary -- Strategical Evaluation of the Fields -- Sending tot he populous Asian nations -- Sending to the difficult Muslim world -- Will Communist China accept Chinese missionaries? -- The bright prospect of Africa -- Taking the Gospel back to Europe -- The challenging field of Latin America -- Sending missionaries to North America? Why not? -- Summary. Cross-cultural Missions in the Chinese Missionary Movement -- How True is the Movement to the Great Commission? -- The Middle Kingdom Concept -- The Cross-cultural Money Maker Can Become a Cross-cultural Soul Winner -- Obeying the Great Commission is Key to Growth and Revival -- Strategy Survey of East-West Cooperation in Cross-cultural Mission Work -- Evangelism and Church Planting -- Training the Nationals -- Invading the Big Cities for Christ -- Putting the Sickle to Youth and Children -- The Tentmaking Strategy -- Summary. China's Formidable Role in Armageddon -- Communist China Rises to World Power -- The Spirit of the Red Regime -- The 200 million -- The Hideous Road Construction toward Israel -- Can the Euphrates be Dried Up? -- The Ending Drama of Human History-Armageddon -- The Land of Sinim in Prophecy -- "And these from the land of Sinim" -- The Chinese in Diaspora -- The Missionaries from the Land of Sinim -- Summary. Covering Letter in English -- Covering Letter in Chinese -- Questionnaire for Western Theological Institutions -- Questionnaire for Chinese Bible Institutions -- Questionnaire for Western Mission Societies -- Questionnaire for Chinese Mission Socieites -- Questionnaire for Chinese Churches -- Name Listof Mission Organizations -- Name List of Theological Institutions -- Name List of Chinese Churches.

Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions.--Ministry Perspective Project.
Chinese Coordination Center of World Evangelism.

Missions--Interdenominational cooperation.

BV4070 / .E278 1982 BV4070