A Brief History of the United States Army Chaplain Corps

A Brief History of the United States Army Chaplain Corps PR - Washington, DC : Department of the Army, (c) 1974. - 37 pages, illustrations: ONLINE.

CHAPTER 1: 1775 - 1783 -- Chaplains of the Revolution CHAPTER 10: 1954-1960-- -- Between Korea and Vietnam CHAPTER 11: 1960-1973-- -- The Vietnam Conflict CHAPTER 12-- -- Most Recent Developments CHAPTER 2: 1791-1861-- -- Developing a Military Chaplaincy CHAPTER 3: 1861-1864-- -- The Civil War CHAPTER 4: 1865-1917-- -- Period of Far Reaching Achievements CHAPTER 5: 1917-1918-- -- The First World War CHAPTER 6: 1918-1941-- -- Between the Great Wars CHAPTER 7: 1941-1945-- -- The Second World War CHAPTER 8: 1945-1950-- -- The Cold War Era CHAPTER 9: 1950-1953-- -- The Korean Conflict
