The Journalist's moral compass : basic principles /

The Journalist's moral compass : basic principles / [print] edited by Steven R. Knowlton and Patrick R. Parsons ; foreword by Charles Bierbauer. - Westport, Connecticut : Praeger, (c)1995. - xix, 246 pages ; 25 cm.

Part I - Politics : the press and the state -- Areopagitica Leviathan On civil government : the second treatise Cato's letters / "Cato" (John Trenchard, Thomas Gordon) -- A treatise concerning political enquiry and the liberty of the press On liberty John Milton -- Thomas Hobbes -- John Locke -- Tunis Wortman -- "Liberty of the press" / Maximilien Robespierre -- John Stuart Mill -- "The right to privacy" / Samuel Warren, Louis Brandeis. Part II - Philosophy : the press and the search for truth -- "The allegory of the cave" / Plato -- Novum organum Public opinion/ Walter Lipmann -- "Social control in the newsroom" / Warren Breed -- "News definitions and their effects on women" / Suzanne Pingree, Robert Hawkins -- The image Lying Francis Bacon -- Daniel Boorstin -- Sissela Bok. Part III - Economy ; the press and the marketplace -- An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations Capital; A contribution to the critique of political economy The brass check A free and responsible press Adma Smith -- Karl Marx -- "To the public - enlargement of the Herald"; "A great journalist dead" / James Gordon Bennett -- "The great issue" / Joseph Plitzer -- Upton Sinclair -- "Prologue : the end of the free lu>ch" / A. J. Liebling -- "The lords of the global village" / Ben H. Bagdikian -- The commission on freedom of the press (Hutchins Commission) -- The imperative of freedom John C. Merrill.



Journalistic ethics--United States.
Freedom of the press--United States.
Press--Economic aspects--United States.

PN4888.P269.J687 1995