Peculiar treasures /

Buechner, Frederick, 1926-,

Peculiar treasures / [print] Frederick Buechner ; with illustrations by Katherine A. Buechner. - [San Francisco, California] : Harper San Francisco, (c)1993. - xiii, 205 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.

Aaron -- Abel (see Cain) -- Abishag -- Abraham -- Absalom -- Adam -- Agag -- Agrippa -- Ahab -- Ahasuerus (see Xerxes) -- Amos -- Ananias -- Balaam -- Barabbas -- Bathsheba -- Belshazzar -- Boaz (see Ruth) -- Caesar Augustus -- Caiaphas -- Cain -- Daniel -- David -- Deborah -- Delilah -- Dinah -- Elijah -- Elisha -- Esau -- Esther (see Xerxes) -- Ethiopian Eunuch -- Eutychus -- Eve -- Ezekiel -- Felix -- Gabriel -- Gehazi (see Naaman) -- Gideon -- Goliath -- Gomer -- Hagar -- Ham -- Haman (see Xerxes) -- Herod Antipas -- Herod the Great -- Hiram -- Holofernes (see Judith) -- Hosea (see Gomer) -- Isaac -- Isaiah -- Jacob -- Jael -- Jeremiah -- Jesus -- Jezebel (see Ahab, Elijah) -- Job -- John the Baptist -- John the Evangelist -- Jonah -- Jonathan -- Joseph and his brethren -- Joseph of Arimathea -- Joseph the husband of Mary -- Joshua -- Judas -- Judith -- Koheleth -- Korah -- Laban (see Jacob, Rachel) -- Lazarus -- Leah (see Rachel) -- Lot -- Lucifer -- Luke -- Mark -- Mary -- Mary Magdalene -- Matthew -- Mephibosheth -- Micah -- Mordecai (see Xerxes) -- Moses -- Naaman -- Naomi (see Ruth) -- Nathan -- Nathaniel -- Nebuchadnezzar -- Nehemiah -- Nicodemus -- Noah -- Onan -- Onesimus -- Paul -- Peter -- Philemon (see Onesimus) -- Philip (see Ethiopian Eunich, Nathaniel, Simon Magus) -- Pilate -- Queen of Sheba -- Quirinius -- Rachel -- Rahab -- Rebecca -- Ruth -- Salome -- Samson (see Delilah) -- Samuel -- Sapphira (see Ananias) -- Sarah -- Saul -- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (see Nebuchadnezzar) -- Simeon -- Simon Magnus -- Solomon -- Stephen -- Susanna -- Thomas -- Tobias -- Uriah the Hittite -- Vashti -- Whale -- Wise men -- Witch of Endor -- Xerxes -- Yahweh -- Zaccheus --




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