Psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual clients Program 3, Relationships, families and couples counseling /

Psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual clients Program 3, Relationships, families and couples counseling / [print] Relationships, families and couples counseling Ron Scott, PhD (Series Producer). - [Mill Valley, California] :, (c)2007. - 1 streaming video file (37 minutes) : digital, sound, color. - Psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual clients .

Original copyright Buendia Productions, ©2005. Title and description from publisher metadata.

"In this training video, a group of researcher-clinicians discuss they ways in which gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples and families differ from heterosexual ones in issues related to social context and societal stigmatization. Featured are Dr. Robert Jay Green on relational ambiguity, sexual exclusivity, and development of social support networks; Dr. Armand Cerbone and Green on internalized homophobia; Dr. Richard Rodriguez on the importance of families of choice for GLB couples; and Dr. Isaiah Crawford on research-based characteristics of GLB family constellations. You will deepen your understanding of GLB relationships and families, allowing you to be more effective in conducting individual and couples therapy with this population. Intended for students and practitioners in clinical psychology, counseling, social work, and related health professions."



Coming out (Sexual orientation)
Couples therapy.
Family psychotherapy.
Sexual minorities.

Couples counseling Diversity

Educational films.
Streaming video.

PN1997 PN1997.P974.P793 2007