The Epistle of St. James : the Greek text with introduction, notes, comments and further studies in the Epistle of St. James /
The Epistle of St. James : the Greek text with introduction, notes, comments and further studies in the Epistle of St. James / [print]
Joseph B. Mayor. London : Macmillan and Company, 1913.
- Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, (c)1954.
- xvi, 2, ccxci, 264, viii, 41, 1. pages ; 23 cm.
- Classic commentary library .
Reprint of the Rev. 3d. edition. Greek text and Latin translation on opposite pages ; the Vulgate text of Codex Amiatinus and the Old Latin text of the Corbey manuscript in parallel columns. "Further studies in the Epistle of St. James" (viii, 41 pages) has special t.p. and separate pagination.
BS2785.B582.E657 1954
Reprint of the Rev. 3d. edition. Greek text and Latin translation on opposite pages ; the Vulgate text of Codex Amiatinus and the Old Latin text of the Corbey manuscript in parallel columns. "Further studies in the Epistle of St. James" (viii, 41 pages) has special t.p. and separate pagination.
BS2785.B582.E657 1954