Old Glory : American war poems from the Revolutionary War to the war on terrorism /

Old Glory : American war poems from the Revolutionary War to the war on terrorism / [print] edited by Robert Hedin ; with a foreword by Walter Cronkite. - New York : Persea Books, (c)2004. - xxviii, 370 pages ; 24 cm.

"A Karen & Michael Braziller Book."

Revolutionary War -- Paul Revere's Ride Yankee Doodle To His Excellency General Washington Warren's Address to the American Soldiers Song of Marion's Men Black Samson of Brandywine The Yankee Man-of-War from The British Prison Ship To the Memory of the Brave Americans from The Columbiad New England's Dead Concord Hymn War of 1812 -- from The Battle of Niagara On the Conflagrations at Washington The Star-Spangled Banner Old Ironsides Mexican-American War -- Ode, Inscribed to W.H. Channing The Angels of Buena Vista from The Biglow Papers When with Pale Cheek and Sunken Eye I Sang Civil War -- In the Defences John Brown's Body The March into Virginia A Utilitarian View of the Monitor's Fight The College Colonel Battle Hymn of the Republic Barbara Frietchie Fredericksburg The Dying Words of Stonewall Jackson The High Tide at Gettysburg The Battlefield Corporal Sheridan's Ride Cavalry Crossing a Ford Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night The Wound-Dresser My Triumph Lasted Till the Drums My Portion Is Defeat Today Ode to the Confederate Dead Memorial Wreath For the Union Dead Hunting Civil War Relics at Nimblewill Creek Indian Wars -- Unknown Wildwest A Tribute to Chief Joseph (1840?-1904) / Duane Niatum -- Two War Songs Last Song Interpolation Sounds The Whole World Is Coming Spanish-American War -- Harry Wilmans On a Soldier Fallen in the Philippines Do Not Weep, Maiden, for War Is Kind First World War -- Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight The Aisne (1914-15) / Alan Seeger -- Rendezvous Verdun Trophy, W.W.I Patterns Not to Keep i sing of Olaf glad and big my sweet old etcetera Chateau de Soupir, 1917 In the Dordogne Champs d'Honneur Killed Piave--July 8--1918 The Death of a Soldier Memorial Rain On Active Service My Brother To My Brother Killed: Haumont Wood: October, 1918 Mothers The People's Cry from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley Triumphal March Grass There Will Come Soft Rains The Wars and the Unknown Soldier Second World War -- Roosters Czecho-Slovakia The Moon and the Night and the Men The Last Picnic Jim Crow's Last Stand War, the Destroyer! / William Carlos Williams -- After Experience Taught Me ... / W.D. Snodgrass -- The U.S. Soldier with the Japanese Skull The Searchlight The Fury of Aerial Bombardment The War in the Air Losses The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Memories of West Street and Lepke No Man Knows War World War II Un Bel Di Vedremo Remembering That Island The Pit Portrait from the Infantry Troop Train Vaudeville Carentan O Carentan Survival: Infantry First Snow in Alsace Christmas 1944 Christmas, 1944 In Distrust of Merits Battle Report Prodigy Letter to Simic from Boulder Buchenwald, Near Weimar "More Light! More Light!" / Anthony Hecht -- Easter Eve 1945 Return A Box Comes Home V-J Day Victory War Memoir: Jazz, Don't Listen to It at Your Own Risk To World War Two Korean War -- On a Certain Engagement South of Seoul A Korean Woman Seated by a Wall Viewing Picasso's Massacre in Korea The Circle Memory of a Victory A Sheaf of Percussion Fire Re-runs Trying to Remember People I Never Really Knew Repository Korean Litany Ode for the American Dead in Asia Vietnam War -- A Short History of the Vietnam War Years War Profit Litany Up Rising Bad Year, Bad War: A New Year's Card, 1969 You Could Make a Song of It, A Dirge of It, A Heartbreaker of It The Birds of Vietnam The Asians Dying Two Villages Counting Small-Boned Bodies Vietnam #4 Christmas Bells, Saigon Alaska-47 For the Old Man Search and Destroy Caves Communique Song of Napalm The Dead Shall Be Raised Incorruptible We What Were They Like? / Denise Levertov -- News Update For a Coming Extinction Places Without Names At the Vietnam War Memorial, Washington, District of Columbia Gulf War -- The Winter of Desert Storm On a Line from Valery from Ribbons: The Gulf War Ode to X Section Three Favorite Iraqi Soldier Old Glory Operations: Desert Shield, Desert Storm War on Terrorism -- Loving This Earth Ground Zero Complicity The Names Speak Out For the New Year Call and Answer Found in the Free Library Talking Heads Cyclamen War The School Among the Ruins Transcirularities Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- Anonymous -- Phillis Wheatley -- John Pierpont -- William Cullen Bryant -- Paul Laurence Dunbar -- Anonymous -- Philip Freneau -- Philip Freneau -- Joel Barlow -- Isaac McLellan -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- John Neal -- Philip Freneau -- Francis Scott Key -- Oliver Wendell Holmes -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- John Greenleaf Whittier -- James Russell Lowell -- Henry David Thoreau -- Elizabeth Akers Allen -- Anonymous -- Herman Melville -- Herman Melville -- Herman Melville -- Julia Ward Howe -- John Greenleaf Whittier -- Thomas Bailey Aldrich -- Sidney Lanier -- Will Henry Thompson -- Lloyd Mifflin -- Ambrose Bierce -- Thomas Buchanan Read -- Walt Whitman -- Walt Whitman -- Walt Whitman -- Emily Dickinson -- Emily Dickinson -- Allen Tate -- Dudley Randall -- Robert Lowell -- James Dickey -- William Heyen -- Archibald MacLeish -- Sitting Bull -- Sitting Bull -- Walt Whitman -- Traditional -- Edgar Lee Masters -- William Vaughn Moody -- Stephen Crane -- Vachel Lindsay -- Alan Seeger -- Robert Lowell -- Janet Lewis -- Amy Lowell -- Robert Frost -- E.E. Cummings -- E.E. Cummings -- Malcolm Cowley -- John Peale Bishop -- Ernest Hemingway -- Ernest Hemingway -- Wallace Stevens -- Archibald MacLeish -- Edith Wharton -- Mikhail Naimy -- Louise Bogan -- Kay Boyle -- Kay Boyle -- Ezra Pound -- T.S. Eliot -- Carl Sandburg -- Sara Teasdale -- Conrad Aiken -- Elizabeth Bishop -- Edna St. Vincent Millay -- John Berryman -- Stanley Kunitz -- Langston Hughes -- Winfield Townley Townley Scott -- Isabella Gardner -- Richard Eberhart -- Howard Nemerov -- Randall Jarrell -- Randall Jarrell -- Robert Lowell -- Edwin Rolfe -- Edward Field -- Kenneth Rexroth -- Thomas McGrath -- Lucien Stryk -- Alan Dugan -- Karl Shapiro -- Lincoln Kirstein -- Louis Simpson -- George Oppen -- Richard Wilbur -- H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) -- Denise Levertov -- Marianne Moore -- Harvey Shapiro -- Charles Simic -- Richard Hugo -- Joseph Langland -- Muriel Rukeyser -- Robert Creeley -- John Ciardi -- John Ciardi -- James Dickey -- Bob Kaufman -- Kenneth Koch -- Hayden Carruth -- William Meredith -- Dale Jacobsen -- Keith Wilson -- Keith Wilson -- Rolando Hinojosa -- Reg Saner -- William Childress -- James Magner, Jr. -- Howard Fast -- Thomas McGrath -- Dick Allen -- Allen Ginsberg -- Robert Duncan -- Robert Penn Warren -- Daniel Berrigan -- Hayden Carruth -- W.S. Merwin -- Grace Paley -- Robert Bly -- Carence Major -- Walt McDonald -- Michael Casey -- Michael Casey -- Dale Ritterbusch -- Michael S. Harper -- Yusef Komunyakaa -- Bruce Weigl -- Galway Kinnell -- Karen Swenson -- John Balaban -- W.D. Ehrhart -- Philip Booth -- Robert Dana -- Walt McDonald -- Carolyn Kizer -- William Heyen -- Page Dougherty -- Albert Goldbarth -- Stephen Dobyns -- William Stafford -- Eleanor Wilner -- Judith Minty -- Robert Creeley -- Michael Waters -- Billy Collins -- Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- Timothy Liu -- Robert Bly -- Eleanor Wilner -- W.D. Snodgrass -- Shirley Kaufman -- C.K. Williams -- Adrienne Rich -- Quincy Troupe.



War poetry, American.

PS595 PS595.H454.O434 2004