How does a poem mean? /

Ciardi, John, 1916-1986.,

How does a poem mean? / [print] John Ciardi, Miller Williams. - 2d edition. - Boston : Houghton, Mifflin, (c)1975. - xxiii, 408 pages ; 24 cm.

I knew a woman Detroit Conference of Unity and Art Romantic Thank you for the valentine After work For Jane ; -- Style ; -- Short order What lips my lips have kissed Holy Sonnet XIV Thou art indeed just, Lord On our crucified Lord, naked and bloody Love A prayer to the Father of heaven For a dead lady On my first daughter ; -- On my first son ; -- Epitaph on S.P., a child of queen Elizabeth's chapel Little elegy ; -- On a child who lived one minute ; -- Bells for John Whiteside's daughter December 24 and George McBride is dead A refusal to mourn the death, by fire, of a child in London Elegy for a nature poet Theodore Roethke -- Nikki Giovanni -- George Garrett -- Diane Wakoski -- Gary Snyder -- Charles Bukowski -- Edna St. Vincent Millay -- John Donne -- Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Richard Crashaw -- George Herbert -- John Skelton -- Edwin Arlington Robinson -- Ben Jonson -- X.J. Kennedy -- Richard Hugo -- Dylan Thomas -- Howard Nemerov -- An Irish airman foresees his death Soliloquy Aubade : New YorkC. The roach Lying in a hammock at William Duffy's farm in Pine Island, Minnesota The tragedy of the leaves Northwest airlines The place of backs The more loving one Woodchucks Song of myself A valediction forbidding mourning Departmental Heaven Arriving Ode on the death of a favorite cat To a fair lady playing with a snake A satirical elegy on the death of a late famous General The latest decalogue Three poems from the Japanese Written on the wall at Chang's hermitage A friend advises me to stop drinking W.B. Yeats -- Francis Ledwidge -- Robert Wallace -- John Raven -- James Wright -- Charles Bukowski -- Fred Chappell -- W.S. Merwin -- W.H. Auden -- Maxine Kumin -- Walt Whitman -- John Donne -- Robert Frost -- Rupert Brooke -- Daniel Halpern -- Thomas Gray -- Edmund Waller -- Jonathan Swift -- Arthur Hugh Clough -- Yamabe No Akahito -- Tu Fu -- Mei Yao Ch'en -- To a traveler A bestiary The red wheelbarrow ; -- This is just to say I saw a man ; -- The book of wisdom ; -- The heart The death of the ball turret gunner I love you and the rosebush The world is too much with us; late and soon Sonnet LXXIII On first looking into Chapman's Homer Sonnet Young Reynard To a waterfowl Poet Exchange Meditation for a pickle suite Gamecock A timepiece Sonnet CXLVII / -- William Shakespeare -- The Hippopotamus / -- T.S. Eliot -- The flea A simile for her smile A poison tree Su Tung P'o -- Kenneth Rexroth -- William Carlos Williams -- Stephen Crane -- Randall Jarrell -- Armando Uribe -- William Wordsworth -- William Shakespeare -- John Keats -- Samuel Daniel -- George Meredith -- William Cullen Bryant -- Peter Viereck -- Dabney Stuart -- R.H.W. Dillard -- James Dickey -- James Merrill -- John Donne -- Richard Wilbur -- William Blake -- Ars poetica How do I love thee? What the sonnet is The great lover Scyros gee i like to think of the dead / -- E.E. Cummings -- Dirge Hero and leander Walter Jenks' Bath A grasshopper Ponce de Leon : a morning walk Dolor Some good things to be said for the Iron age Between walls The great bear meditations The lost pictures Dog Time out An elegy is preparing itself Buick El Greco With rue my heart is laden To Lucasta, on going to the wars Archibald MacLeish -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- Eugene Lee Hamilton -- Rupert Brooke -- Karl Shapiro -- Kenneth Fearing -- Christopher Marlowe -- William Meredith -- Richard Wilbur -- Al Young -- Thoedore Roethke -- Gary Snyder -- William Carlos Williams -- J. Michael Yates -- Hollis Summers -- Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- Donald Finkel -- Donald Justice -- Karl Shapiro -- E.L. Mayo -- A.E. Housman -- Richard Lovelace -- Sir Beelzebub Lenox Avenue mural How Jakc found that bean may go back on a chap To mistress Margaret Hussey After long silence Spring and Fall Voice of the studio announcer My last duchess Crass times redeemed by dignity of souls The end of the world The traveler's curse agter misdirection The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam allegro ; penseroso How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix The charge of the light brigade To be, or not to be ; -- For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground ; -- Under the greenwood tree ; -- Full fathom five In a time of pestilence Edith Sitwell -- Langston Hughes -- Guy Wetmore Carryl -- John Skelton -- W.B. Yeats -- Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Archibald MacLeish -- Robert Browning -- Peter Viereck -- Archibald MacLeish -- Robert Graves -- Edward FitzGerald -- John Milton -- Robert Browning -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- William Shakespeare -- Thomas Nashe -- The negro Kubla Khan Song Why so pale and wan? Early evening quarrel Essay on criticism ; Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot What riddle asked the sphinx The anniversarie South end Nude descending a staircase The altar Do the dead know what time it is? The span of life O western wind The fury of aerial bombardment My papa's waltz Before disaster Hawk's way On the vanity of earthly greatness War poet Herself My Luve Ozymandias The passionate shepherd to his love James Emanual -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Thomas Carew -- Sir John Suckling -- Langston Hughes -- Alexander Pope -- Archibald MacLeish -- John Donne -- Conrad Aiken -- X.J. Kennedy -- George Herbert -- Kenneth Patchen -- Robert Frost -- Anonymous -- Richard Eberhart -- Theodore Roethke -- Yvor Winters -- Ted Olson -- Arthur Guiterman -- Roy Fuller -- John Holmes -- Robert Burns -- Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Christopher Marlowe -- The nymph's reply to the shepherd The baite To his coy mistress You, Andrew Marvell The tyger And what is love? Misunderstanding, pain The second coming ; -- Sailing to Byzantium Anthem for doomed youth (first draft) ; -- Anthem for doomed youth (final version) Dauer im Wechsel Permanence in change Permanence in change Canto I (lines 1-21) of -- The inferno Canto I (lines 1-21) of -- The inferno Canto I (lines 1-21) of -- The inferno Canto I (lines 1-21) of -- The inferno Canto I (lines 1-21) of -- The inferno Canto I (lines 1-21) of -- The inferno Sir Walter Raleigh -- John Donne -- Andrew Marvell -- Archibald MacLeish -- William Blake -- J.V. Cunningham -- W.B. Yeats -- Wilfred Owen -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- transliterated by Mark J. Doyle -- translated by John Nims -- Dante Alighieri -- translated by Allan Gilbert -- translated by Charles S. Singleton -- translated by Dorothy L. Sayers -- translated by John Ciardi -- translated by Butler Fletcher.

9780395186053 9780395204405


American poetry.
English poetry.

PS586 PS586.W725.H693 1975