Leviticus /

Knight, George Angus Fulton, 1909-,

Leviticus / [print] G.A.F. Knight. - Edinburgh : Saint Andrew Press ; (c)1981. Philadelphia : Westminster Press, (c)1981. - viii, 172, 1. pages ; 20 cm. - Daily study Bible--Old Testament The Daily study Bible series . - Daily study Bible--Old Testament. Daily study Bible series (Westminster Press) .

Place and form of U.S. publisher's name varies. Later printings: Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press. (21 cm.)

Sacrifice is God's will (1:1-9) How the offerings were to be made (1:1-9) (cont'd) Various kinds of offerings (1:10-2:8) Reminding God! (2:9-16) The peace offering (3:1-17) From Leviticus to Romans (3:1-17) (cont'd) Two kinds of sin (4:1-12) The forgiveness of God (Text) (4:13-5:13) The forgiveness of God (Commentary) (4:13-5:13) (cont'd) Lese Majesty (5:14-6:7) Dealing with the guilty party (5:14-6:7) (cont'd) Instructions for the Priests (Text) (6:8-7:38) Instructions for the Priests (Commentary) I (6:8-7:38) (cont'd) Setting up Israel's worship (Text) (8:1-36) Setting up Israel's worship (Commentary) (8:1-36) (cont'd) The meaning of "Today" (8:1-36) (cont'd) Making atonement (Text) (9:1-24) Making atonement (Commentary) (9:1-24) (cont'd) Unholy fire (10:1-7) The Priestly reaction (10:8-20) Clean and unclean animals (Text) (11:1-47) Clean and unclean animals (Commentary) (11:1-47) (cont'd) Matters of sex (12:1-8) Diagnosing and dealing with leprosy (Text) (13:1-59) Diagnosing and dealing with leprosy (Commentary) (13:1-59) (cont'd) The cleansing of the sick person (Text) (14:1-57) The cleansing of the sick person (Commentary) (14:1-57) (cont'd) Holiness means cleanliness (Text) (15:1-33) Holiness means cleanliness (Commentary) (15:1-33) (cont'd) The Day of Atonement (Text) (16:1-34) The Day of Atonement (Commentary) (16:1-34) (cont'd) The ritual for the day (16:1-34) (cont'd) What the Day of Atonement is all about (16:1-34) (cont'd) Ten theological insights to date The Holiness Code (17-26) Two emphases about sacrifice (17:1-16) Don't do what the pagans do (18:1-21) Homosexuality (18:22-30) An eye for an eye (18:22-30) (cont'd) Jesus and the Law (18:22-30) (cont'd) A summary of the Law (19:1-4) You shall be holy (19:1-4) (cont'd) On being kind (19:5-14) Justice (19:15-18) A practical handbook (19:19-37) The family comes first (20:1-9) Adultery is the road to death (20:10-27) The odour of death (Text) (21:1-22:9) The odour of death (Commentary) (21:1-22:9) (cont'd) Emphasis on the family (22:10-33) The sacred calendar (Text) (23:1-44) The sacred calendar (Commentary) (23:1-44) (cont'd) The feast of the Ingathering or New Year (23:1-44) (cont'd) God is light (24:1-9) The meaning of blasphemy (24:10-23) Must we keep the law of Moses? (25:1-7) Proclaim liberty to the captives (25:8-24) Property deals (25:25-38) Owning slaves (25:39-26:2) Shalom (Text) (26:3-46) Shalom (Commentary) (26:3-46) (cont'd) The first day of judgment (26:3-46) (cont'd) God's presence is the blessing (26:3-46) (cont'd) Paying one's dues (27:1-34)

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