Borges, a reader : a selection from the writings of Jorge Luis Borges /

Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986.,

Borges, a reader : a selection from the writings of Jorge Luis Borges / [print] edited by Emir Rodriguez Monegal and Alastair Reid. - first edition. - New York : Dutton, (c)1981. - xi, 369 pages ; 25 cm.

Writer: Young poet's voice: Dawn -- General Quiroga rides to his death in a carriage -- Manuscript found in a book of Joseph Conrad -- Mythical founding of Buenos Aires -- Horse-wagon inscriptions -- Isidoro Acevedo -- Recoleta -- Rediscovering fiction: Palerma, Buenos Aires -- Vindication of the cabala -- Vindication of Basilides the False -- Our inadequacies -- Postulation of reality -- Narrative art and magic -- Elements of rhetoric -- Dread Redeemer Lzarus Morell -- Art of verbal abuse -- Man from the slums -- Mirror of ink -- Tom Castro, the implausible impostor -- Masked Dyer, Hakim of Merv -- I, a Jew -- Doctrine of cycles -- Chesterton and the labyrinths of the detective story -- Translators of the 1001 Nights -- Oswald Spengler: Capsule biography -- Modes of G.K. Chesterton -- Virginia Woolf: Capsule biography -- William Faulker: Three reviews -- Total library -- Pierre Menard, author of the Quixote -- Joyce and Neologisms -- Avatars of the Tortoise -- Some of Nietzsche's opinions -- Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis. Tertius -- Prologue to the invention of Morel -- Circular ruins -- Portrait of the Germanophile -- Cyclical night -- Lottery in Babylon -- Fragment on Joyce -- About the Purple Land -- Citizen Kane -- Dr. Jekyll and Edward Hyde, transformed -- Analytical language of John Wilkins -- Almafuerte -- On the origins of the detective story -- Melville -- Conjectural poem -- Theme of the traitor and hero -- Comment on August 23, 1944 -- Aleph -- Flower of Coleridge -- Henry James -- Our poor individualism -- Parados of Apollinaire -- First wells -- Hurry, hurry -- Dead man -- About Oscar Wilde -- New refutation of time -- Note on Walt Whitman -- House of Asterion -- Zahir -- Celebration of the monster -- Meeting in a dream -- Other death -- Nathaniel Hawthorne -- From allegories to novels -- Partial enchantments of the Quixote -- Handwriting of God -- From someone to no one -- Pascal's sphere -- Kafka and his precursors -- Metaphor -- Modesty of history -- Enigma of Edward FitzGerald -- Page to commemorate Colonel Suarez, victor at Junin -- Matthew -- South -- Dagger -- Truco -- History of the tango -- Dictator: Old poet's voice: Golem I -- Golem II -- Limits -- Poet of the Thirteenth Century -- Mirrors -- Borges and I -- Poem of the gifts -- Chess -- Other tiger -- Borges -- Adrogue -- Emerson -- Camden -- Spinoza -- Poem written in a copy of Beowulf -- Brief return to realism: Intruder -- In praise of darkness -- Milonga of Manuel Flores -- Invocation to Joyce -- Prologue to Doctor Brodie's -- Doctor Brodie's report -- Poem of quantity -- Pedro Salvadores -- Juan Murana Gospel according to Mark -- Guayaquil -- Blind man -- Things -- Tankas -- Threatened one -- To the German language -- Watcher -- Other -- Preface to the unending rose -- Things that might have been -- History of night -- Appendixes: Chronology -- Borges in English -- Notes -- List of translators.

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