Paul and Paulinism : essays in honour of C.K. Barrett /

Paul and Paulinism : essays in honour of C.K. Barrett / [print] edited by M.D. Hooker and S.G. Wilson. - London : SPCK, (c)1982. - xxvii, 404 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

English, French, and German.

Paul and the law: reflections on pitfalls in interpretation Statements on the development of Paul's view of the law Curse of the law Paul preaches circumcision and pleases men Paul and 'covenantal nomism' Paul and the apocalyptic pattern I Thessalonians 4.13-18 and its background in apocalyptic literature Pasai exousiai auto hypotagesontai Agioi en Colossiens 1.12: hommes ou anges? Gnosis at Corinth Paul's christology and gnosticism Chronology and the development of Pauline christology Erwagungen zum Sprachgebrauch von Christos bei Paulus und in der 'vorpaulinischen' Uberlieferung Christ and all things Pauline thelogy in the Thessalonian correspondence Romans 3.9: text and meaning Liberte du spirituel dans Rom. 8.12-17 Zum Verstandnis von Romer 11.26a: '... und so wird ganz Israel gerettet werden' Paul and the pneumatikoi at Corinth Faith and love promoting hope: an interpretation of Philemon volume 6 Kirche als Bau: Epheser 2.19-22 unter okumenischem Aspekt Ephesians 1.1 again Changes of person and number in Paul's epistles Mission de Paul d'apres Actes 26.16-23 et la mission des apotres d'apres Luc 24.44-9 et Actes 1.8 Reconsideration of Ephesians 1.10b in the light of Irenaeus Some issues of church and society in the light of Paul's eschatology Significance of 'Paulinism' Paul and religion Shame culture in Luke K.H. Kuhn -- W.D. Davies -- U. Wilckens -- F.F. Bruce -- Peder Borgen -- Morna D. Hooker -- John M. Court -- A.F.J. Klijn -- Matthew Black -- P. Benoit -- R. McL. Wilson -- E. Schweizer -- Maurice Casey -- Martin Hengel -- Markus Barth -- I. Howard Marshall -- Nils Alstrup Dahl -- J.-M. Cambier -- Ferdinand Hahn -- John Painter -- Harald Riesenfeld -- R. Schnackenburg -- Ernest Best -- C.E.B. Cranfield -- Jacques Dupont -- John McHugh -- M.E. Glasswell -- Robert Morgan -- S.G. Wilson -- David Daube.



B8231267 GB82-31267

Bible.--Epistles of Paul--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

BS2650 BS2650.W753.P385 1982