Women in the military /

Women in the military / [print] Carol Wekesser, book editor, Matthew Polesetsky, book editor. - San Diego, California : Greenhaven Press, (c)1991. - 192 pages ; 27 cm. - Current controversies . - Current controversies. .

Should women serve in the military? Military service benefits women. Mothers should be allowed to serve in the military. Women served effectively in the Persian Gulf War. Women make poor soldiers. Women in the military harm America's defense. Children are harmed when mothers serve in the military. Women should not support America's military goals. -- Should women serve in combat? Women and combat, an overview. Women serving in combat would strengthen America's defense. Women are capable of serving in combat. The Persian Gulf War proved that women can serve in combat How have other nations integrated women into the military? Women were crucial in Israel's War for Independence. Yugoslavian women fought effectively in World War II. Canada successfully allows women to serve in combat positions. South Africa uses servicewomen to promote its racist ideology. The Netherlands failed to fully integrate women into the military. proves women's inability to serve in combat. The Combat Exclusion Law should be repealed is unconstitutional /is necessary. Allowing women in combat would weaken America's defense. Combat is not an appropriate role for women. Equality for women does not justify placing them in combat. Medals on our blouses ... Neither women nor men should fight in combat. Does discrmination harm women in the military? Women's experiences in the military, an overview. Women experience discrimination in the military. Discrimination makes women soldiers ineffective. Combat exclusion promotes widespread discrimination in society. The armed services do not discriminate. Women can succeed dispite discrimination. Black women can succeed in the military. --

Addresses the controversy concerning women in the military from a variety of perspectives.

9780899085791 9780899085852


Women in combat--United States.
Women soldiers.
Women in combat.

UB418 UB418.P765.W664 1991