Speeches that changed the world /

Speeches that changed the world / [print] compiled by Owen Collins ; foreword by Andrew Young. - Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, (c)1999. - x, 440 pages ; 21 cm.

Ten Commandments (second millennium BC) danger in teaching...(479 BC) They were worthy of Athens (431 BC) Socrates' Apology (399 BC) Beatitudes (AD 34) Sermon on the Mount (AD 34) I made my journey...unto Damascus' (AD 50s) Dig this foundation of lowliness deep in thee (AD 408) Moses -- Confucius -- Pericles -- Socrates -- Jesus Christ -- Jesus Christ -- Paul -- Augustine. I had a voice from God to help me (1431) I neither can nor will recant anything (1521) I dye in the true catholyke fayth (1553) sermon at Martin Luther's funeral (1546) Cranmer's last words (1556) I have the heart of a king (1588) We shall be as a city upon a hill (1630) On liberty (1645) Joan of Arc -- Martin Luther -- John Dudley -- Johann Bugenhagen Pomeranus -- Thomas Cranmer -- Elizabeth I -- John Winthrop -- John Winthrop. quiet enjoyment of your religion and liberties (1701) Sinners in the hands of an angry God (1741) Ye must be born again (1747) Stamp Act (1766) For who has despised the day of small things? (1770) Conciliation with America (1775) Give me liberty or give me death (1775) Commerce between master and slave (1782) George Washington prevents the revolt of his officers (1783) -- God is no respecter of persons (1786) First inaugural address (1789) On the death of Marie Antoinette (1793) Republican Frenchmen (1794) Cultivate peace and harmony with all (1796) King William III -- Jonathan Edwards -- John Wesley -- William Pitt -- George Whitefield -- Edmund Burke -- Patrick Henry -- Thomas Jefferson -- Jupiter Hammon -- George Washington -- Edmund Burke -- Maximilien Robespierre -- George Washington. Let us pursue our own federal and Republican principles (1800) I shall need the favor of that being... (1805) Farewell to the old guard (1814) Here am I calling for justice to Ireland (1836) Virtue in rags and patches (1842) Declaration of sentiments (1848) Ain't I a woman? (1851) Man no longer believes in the divine right of force and fraud (1851) What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? (1852) Inaugural address (1853) Prosperity to the Hospital for Sick Children (1858) plea for free speech in Boston (1860) First inaugural address (1861) Gettysburg Address (1863) Second inaugural address (1865) Speech on reconstruction (1865) sermon at Abraham Lincoln's funeral (1865) Political action and the working class (1871) the truth shall make you free (1871) On women's right to vote (1873) In memory of Thomas Paine (1877) Pleasant reminiscences concerning literary folk (1877) Looking Glass is dead (1877) new South (1886) Appeal to the women of America (1888) Thomas Jefferson -- Thomas Jefferson -- Napoleon Bonaparte -- Daniel O'Connell -- Charles Dickens -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton -- Sojourner Truth -- E.L. Rose -- Frederick Douglass -- Franklin Pierce -- Charles Dickens -- Frederick Douglass -- Abraham Lincoln -- Abraham Lincoln -- Abraham Lincoln -- Abraham Lincoln -- Phineas D. Gurley -- Karl Marx -- Victoria C. Woodhall -- Susan B. Anthony -- Walt Whitman -- Mark Twain -- Chief Joseph -- Henry W. Grady -- Josephine E. Butler. If women had the vote (1908) Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good (1922) / Mahatma Gandhi -- annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe! (1939) We shall defend our island whatever the cost (1940) I have a dream (1963) ideal for which I am prepared to die (1964) We are concerned about the poor all over the world (1968) Christianity is giving (1977) foreign policy of Great Britain (1979) I address you on behalf of the unborn child (1995) Give voice to women everywhere whose words go unnoticed (1995) Emmeline Pankhurst -- Adolph Hitler -- Winston Churchill -- Martin Luther King -- Nelson Mandela -- Coretta Scott King -- Mother Teresa -- Margaret Thatcher -- Mother Teresa -- Hillary R. Clinton.



Speeches, addresses, etc.

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