Vowels and consonants : an introduction to the sounds of languages /

Ladefoged, Peter,

Vowels and consonants : an introduction to the sounds of languages / [print] Peter Ladefoged. - Malden, Massachusetts : Blackwell, (c)2001. - xxi, 191 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. +

Sounds and languages: The sounds of language evolve ; Language and speech ; Describing speech sounds ; summary -- Pitch and loudness: Tones ; English intonation ; The vocal folds ; Loudness differences ; Summary -- Vowel contrasts : Sets of vowels in a language ; English vowels ; Summary -- The sounds of vowels : Acoustic structure of vowels ; The acoustic vowel space ; Sound spectrograms ; Summary -- Charting Vowels : Formants one and two ; Comparing English vowels ; Formant three ; Summary -- The sounds of consonants : Consonant contrasts ; Stop consonants ; Approximants ; Nasals ; Fricatives ; Summary -- Acoustic components of speech : The principal acoustic components ; Synthesiaing speech ; Summary -- Talking computers : How writing must be pronounced ; Words and sounds in sentences ; Synthesizing sounds from a phonetic transcription ; Summary Listening computers: Identifying sounds ; The basis of computer speech recognition ; Special context speech recognizers ; Recognizing running speech ; Different accents and different voices ; More for the computationally curious ; Summary -- Making English consonants : Acoustics and articulations ; The vocal organs ; Places and manners of articulation ; Describing consonants ; Summary -- Making English vowels : movements of the tongue and lips for vowels ; Muscles Controlling the tongue and lips ; Traditional descriptions of vowels ; Summary -- Actions of the Larynx : Voiced and voiceless sounds ; Voicing and aspiration ; Glottal stops ; Breathy voice ; Creaky voice ; Further differences in vocal fold vibrations ; Ejectives ; Implosives ; Recording data on Larynx actions ; Summary Consonants around the world: Phonetic fieldwork ; well-known consonants ; More places of articulation ; More manners of articulation ; Clicks ; Summary -- vowels around the world : Types of Vowels ; Lip rounding ; Nasalized vowels ; Voice quality ; Summary -- Putting vowels and consonants together : The speed of speech ; The alphabet ; Slips of the tongue and the ear ; The international phonetic alphabet ; Contrasting sounds ; Features that matter within a language ; summary.

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