Beyond teaching to mentoring /

Beyond teaching to mentoring / [print] Alice G. Reinarz, Eric R. White, editors. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, (c)2001. - 122 pages ; 23 cm. - New directions for teaching and learning ; no. 85 .

"Spring 2001"

Includes bibliographies and index.

Mentoring as metaphor : an opportunity for innovation and renewal Teaching key competencies in liberal arts education Mentoring for health professions Mentoring in the technical disciplines : fostering a broader view of education, career, and culture in and beyond the workplace International study for outstanding students: a case study Mentoring undergraduates with professional and liberal arts goals : the mass communication experience Full human presence : a guidepost to mentoring undergraduate science students Promoting understanding of diversity through mentoring undergraduate students Educationg the practitioner : starategies for focusing on the student in the undergraduate business curriculum Mentoring interdisciplinary undergraduate courses The Transformation of teaching Diane M. Enerson -- Edie N. Goldenberg -- Timothy R. B. Johnson, Philip D. Settimi, and Juliet L. Rogers -- Rose M. Marra, Robert N. Pangborn -- Mary Gage -- Jeremy Cohen -- Brian P. Coppola -- Margaret Scisney-Matlock, John Matlock -- E. R. Melander -- Timothy L. Killeen -- Graham B. Spanier.

Mentoring in science.
Mentoring in the professions.
Mentoring in education.

LB1731.W583.B496 2001 LB1731