Her name is woman /

Karssen, Gien,

Her name is woman / [print] by Gien Karssen. - Colorado Springs, Colorado : Navpress, (c)1975-1977. - 2 volume ; 21 cm. - A Navigator book .

Translation of Manninne, vrouwen in de Bijbel and Nogmaals manninne--vrouwen in de Bijbel.

volume 1. Eve, the mother of all living -- Sarah, the princess whose name is recorded with honor -- Rebekah, a woman with great potential, yet ... -- Potiphar's wife, a woman swayed by sex -- Miriam, a leader who overestimated herself -- Rahab, a harlot in the gallery of the heroes of faith -- Peninnah, a woman conquered by jealousy -- Hannah, a woman who believed in prayer -- The Queen of Sheba, a woman who desired to be wiser -- The widow of Zarephath, a woman who accepted the challenge of faith -- The Shunammite, a creative thinker -- The Jewish maid, a girl who talked about God -- Esther, a queen who risked her life for her people -- Job's wife, the woman who said no to God -- Mary, the most privileged among women -- Elizabeth, strong of character and a good life-partner -- Anna, a woman who wasn't destroyed by a broken heart -- A widow who knew how to handle money -- Martha of Bethany, a woman who gave priority to secondary matters -- Mary of Bethany, a woman with insight to choose the best -- The Samaritan, a woman who said yes to Jesus -- Dorcas, a woman who loved God -- Lydia, a businesswoman who gave God first place -- Priscilla, a valued co-worker in preaching the Gospel. volume 2. Hagar, whose extreme need was met by Jesus Christ -- Lot's wife, who did not take the grace of God seriously -- Rachel, attractive on the outside, disappointing on the inside -- Leah, a woman whose unhappy marriage became God's blessing to humanity -- Dinah, a girl whose curiosity led to crime and mourning -- Tamar, a neglected woman who vindicated her rights -- Jochebed, a woman who learned to consider sorrow a friend -- Deborah, a leader of a nation who was inspired by faith -- Delilah, a woman who deliberately ruined a spiritual leader -- Naomi, a widow who cared about the well-being of others -- Orpah, who sank into oblivion because of a wrong decision -- Ruth, a woman characterized by loyalty -- Michal, a woman whose marriage lacked unity and fell apart -- Abigail, a woman who watched over the conscience of a servant of God -- Bathsheba, a woman who did not prevent a God-fearing man from insulting his God -- Jezebel, who forgot that no one can trifle with God -- Huldah, a woman who helped lead an apostate nation back to God -- Herodias, a woman who degraded herself through revenge and murder -- Salome, a mother who thought to ask the best for her children -- Mary Magdalene, a woman who led the way in following Christ -- Sapphira, for whom listening to Satin resulted in death -- Mary of Jerusalem, whose home functioned as the house of God -- Phoebe, a singel woman who possessed the antidote to loneliness -- Lois and Eunice, women who were convinced of the power of God's word.


Women in the Bible--Biography.

BS575 .K18.H476 1977