Drug legalization /

Drug legalization / [print] Karen F. Balkin, book editor. - Farmington Hills, Michigan : Greenhaven Press, (c)2005. - 208 pages ; 24 cm. - Current controversies .

1. Is prohibition an effective strategy in the war on drugs? -- Drug prohibition is effective The war on drugs should focus on reducing the drug supply/ Rogelio E. Guevara -- An international drug prohibition effort is necessary The cost of drug prohibition is justified Drug prohibition is counterproductive The war on drugs should focus on reducing demand The United States should not pressure other countries to comply with its prohibition efforts The cost of drug prohibition is not justified Drug prohibition violates civil liberties Drug prohibition discriminates against minorities 2. Should U.S. drug policies by liberalized? -- The drug policy debate : an overview Drug policies should be liberalized Liberalizing drug policies would reduce community violence and police brutality Drugs should be legalized Mandatory sentencing is an ineffective policy in the war on drugs Drug policies should focus on harm reduction Liberalizing drug policies would increase crime and violence Parents should oppose drug liberalization Drugs should not be legalized Media advocacy for drug legalization is harmful Mandatory sentencing is necessary in the war on drugs Drug policies should not be based on harm reduction 3. Should marijuana laws be relaxed? -- Marijuana laws should be relaxed Marijuana should be decriminalized Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes Available evidence does not prove that marijuana is a gateway drug The federal government should respect state medical marijuana laws Marijuana laws should not be relaxed Marijuana should not be legalized for medical purposes Medical marijuana proponents seek to legitimize all marijuana use Marijuana is a gateway drug John P. Walters -- Benjamin Gilman -- Lou Dobbs -- Timothy Lynch -- Joseph G. Lehman -- Dan Gardner -- David Boaz -- Lance Lamberton -- Human Rights Watch -- Mary H. Cooper -- Unitarian Universalist Association -- Peter Moskos -- Meaghan Cussen, Walter Block -- Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice -- Robert Maccoun, Peter Reuter -- James R. McDonough -- Drug Watch International -- Dan P. Alsobrooks -- Northwest Center for Health and Safety -- David E. Risley -- Joe Santamaria -- William F. Buckley Jr. -- Stuart Taylor Jr. -- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws -- Andres R. Morral, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Susan M. Paddock -- Seth Zuckerman -- Don Feder -- Gregory M. Gassett -- John P. Walters -- Joseph C. Gfroerer, Li-Tzy Wu, Michael A. Penne.


Drug legalization--United States.
Drug control--United States.

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