About school: essays by scholars investigating Christian higher education.

About school: essays by scholars investigating Christian higher education. [print] Editor: Mark Tuttle. - Houghton, New York, Lanthorn Publications, Houghton College Press (c)1972. - 144 pages 17 cm.

For or against? a question about Christian higher education Culture and Christian education The Christian church liberal arts college: priestly mediator and prophetic minister Shifting university education and the evangelical college The new left student movement, the Christian liberal arts college The Christian college and the church education with a Christian world view The Houghton idea: a practical outworking Thomas Howard -- R. Clyde McCone -- Irwin Reist -- Bernard Ramm -- Dennis MacDonald -- Myron S. Augsburger -- Stephen Woolsey.

Church and education--United States.

LB2324.T967.A268 1972