Pack up your troubles : sermons on how to trust God /

Dunnam, Maxie D.

Pack up your troubles : sermons on how to trust God / Maxie Dunnam. - Nashville : Abingdon Press, 1993. - 96 pages ; 22 cm. - Protestant pulpit exchange .

1. Count it all joy : James 1:1-14 -- 2. Don't mess with Mr. in-between: James 1: 5-8 -- 3. How to be rich and poor: James 1: 9-11 -- 4. Meeting and mastering temptation: James 1: 12-15 -- 5. Will the real God please stand?: James 1: 16-18 -- 6. Swift to hear, slow to speak: James 1: 19-20; 3: 1-12 -- 7. It isn't easy being green: James 2: 1-13 -- 8. Faith working in love: James 2: 14-26 -- 9. Draw near to God: James 4: 7-9 -- 10. What is your life?: James 4: 13-17 -- 11. Pack up your troubles: James 5: 1-11 -- 12. Who are Christians?: James 5: 13-20.

068709755X 9780687097555



Methodist Church--Sermons.
Sermons, American.

BS2785.4.D923.P335 1993