Urban legends of the New Testament : 40 common misconceptions] /

Croteau, David A,

Urban legends of the New Testament : 40 common misconceptions] / [print] David A. Croteau ; Leo Percer, consulting editor. - Nashville, Tennessee : B&H Academic, (c)2015. - xv, 255 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Part 1: Urban legends in the Gospels Part 2: Urban legends in the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation

There was no room at the Inn -- We three kings of orient are -- Shepherds were societal outcasts -- Jesus was a carpenter -- Jeus died when He was thrity-three -- All giving must be done in secret -- Do not judge others -- Jesus' most famous quote is John 3:16 -- Hell referred to a first-century garbage dumb near Jerusalem -- When two are gathered in prayer, God will be there -- Jesus sweat drops of blood -- Jesus was flogged once -- Agape is a superior love to Phileo -- Go is not a command in the great commission Repent means to change your mind -- The Philippian jailer just believed and was saved -- Paul was a tent maker -- Jews (and Jesus) primarily spoke Hebrew in Jesus' day -- The gospel is dynamite -- Just say you believe in Jesus and you will be saved -- Synagogues had men and women seated separately -- Grace is unmerited favor -- Good works are optional for Christians -- Pastors are required to do the ministry of the church -- Jesus emptied Himself of the glory of Heaven -- We can do anything through Christ who gives us strength -- Abstain from all appearence of evil -- Hell is the absence of God -- A divorced man cannot be a pastor -- Money is evil -- A pastor's children must be saved -- Christians are commanded to tithe -- Christians are commanded to go to church -- Women should not wear jewelry -- First John 1:9 is a formula for salvation -- Christians should not allow cults into there homes -- God would rather you be cold towards Him that lukewarm -- Accept Jesus into your heart to be saved.



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