Engaging Gen Z : Lessons to Effectively Engage Generation Z via Marketing, Social Media, Retail, Work and School /

Beal, Mark,

Engaging Gen Z : Lessons to Effectively Engage Generation Z via Marketing, Social Media, Retail, Work and School / [print] Mark Beal, Michael Pankowski. - Toms River, New Jersey : Mark Beal Media, LLC, (c)2020. - 133 pages : 23 cm

PART I: GEN Z GLOSSARY. PART II: WITH MARKETING -- Lesson 1: But First, you need Gen Z's Attention ; -- Lesson 2: Use the Right Influencers ; -- Lesson 3: With Influencers, Go Small for a Big Impact ; -- Lesson 4: Gen Z is Gender-Inclusive- And you Should be TOO ; -- Lesson 5: Put Purpose before Profits, and you'll Profit ; -- Lesson 6: Invite Gen Z to Participate in an Incubator ; -- Lesson 7: Elevate Events and Experiences ; -- Lesson 8: Give Gen Z the Media Currency they Crave ; -- Lesson 9: Accentuate your Assets and Access ; -- Lesson 10: Transform your Media Mix to Engage Gen Z ; -- Lesson 11: Produce a Podcast to Participate in Gen Z's Media ; -- Lesson 12: Get Real ; -- Lesson 13: Get Woke on how to be Woke ; -- Lesson 14: Be the Anti-Brand ; -- Lesson 15: Leverage your Longevity ; -- Lesson 16: Make one of Gen Z's Missions your Mission ; -- Lesson 17: Want to Market to the Digital Generation? Do it IRL ; -- Lesson 18: Make it a Game ; -- Lesson 19: Know that if you go against them, They'll Reciprocate ; -- Lesson 20: Their Favorite Currency is Social ; -- Lesson 21: They Love Gifts ; -- Lesson 22: Being a Bitmoji is the Best ; -- Lesson 23: They Express their Emotions via Emojis ; -- Lesson 24: Retro is Real and Relevant ; -- Lesson 25: Stopping Emailing Them -- Lesson 26: Text Gen Z if you want to Reach Them PART III: ON SOCIAL MEDIA -- Lesson 27: Understanding their Passions and Interests ; -- Lesson 28: When it Comes to Memes, Move Fast ; -- Lesson 29: Utilize YouTube ; -- Lesson 30: Do it Yourself when it Comes to YouTube Videos ; -- Lesson 31: Find Your (Unique) Voice ; -- Lesson 32: On Social Media, Fortune Favors the Bold ; -- Lesson 33: Make your Presence FELT on Gen Z's Big 3 ; -- Lesson 34: Taking over TikTok, Part 1: Fitting in with Gen Z ; -- Lesson 35: Taking over TikTok, Part 2: Going Viral ; -- Lesson 36: Understanding and Marketing on Twitch, the Home of Gen Z's Celebs PART IV: AT RETAIL -- Lesson 37: Make your In-Store Experience, an Experience ; -- Lesson 38: Don't Allow Everyone to get it ; -- Lesson 39: Make your Retail Locations Instagramable ; -- Lesson 40: Offer Gen Z the Opportunity to Personalize their Purchases PART V: AT WORK -- Lesson 41: Give them a Mentor, not a Manager ; -- Lesson 42: Empower Gen Z Employees as ZEOs ; -- Lesson 43: Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion ; -- Lesson 44: Start to Stretch the Status Quo and Become More Flexible ; -- Lesson 45: Make it Entrepreneurial ; -- Lesson 46: Embrace the Entrepreneurial Spirit ; -- Lesson 47: Compensate your Interns ; -- Lesson 48: Transform Companies into Communities ; -- Lesson 49: Communities are Critically Important ; -- Lesson 50: It is More about Purpose than Pay ; -- Lesson 51: Partner with Gen Z on their Career Evolution PART VI: AT SCHOOL : -- Lesson 52: Educate THEM Online on THEIR Time ; -- Lesson 53: They Use Technology to Their Advantage ; -- Lesson 54: They Value Peet-to-Peer Mentorship ; -- Lesson 55: Educational Content can be Popular Content ; -- Lesson 56: Ready Real-World and Real-Time Lessons ; -- Lesson 57: Gen Z Prefers Experiential Learning ; -- Lesson 58: Gen Z likes Learning via New Channels ; -- Lesson 59: Teach with Transparency ; -- Lesson 60: Fully Invest in your Student's Careers ; -- Final Thoughts.

Engaging Gen Z: Lessons To Effectively Engage Generation Z Via Marketing, Social Media, Retail, World and School is informed and inspired by Gen Zers, ages 13-23. This book is the essential guide to understanding how to effectively engage this incredibly important consumer segment so that you can set yourself up for success now and over the next 15 years. If you take time to review the lessons, research and recommendations Michael and I detail in this book, you will establish a highly productive collaboration and partnership with Gen Z in the same way that Michael and I have in writing this book and co-authoring our thought leadership. https://www.amazon.com/Engaging-Gen-Effectively-Generation-Marketing/dp/B087R97HZT/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=9798640005097&qid=1629998318&s=books&sr=1-1


Generation Z--Gen Z.


Business Management.
