The global guide to animal protection /edited by Andrew Linzey ; foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

The global guide to animal protection /edited by Andrew Linzey ; foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Animal protection - Urbana, Illinois : University of Illinois Press, (c)2013. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographies and index.

Section 1. Histories and global perspectives -- section 2. Aquatic and marine life -- section 3. Free-living animals -- section 4. Companion animals -- section 5. Areas of worldwide concern -- section 6. Changing perspectives -- section 7. Animal-friendly living. Foreword: Extending Justice and Compassion / Introduction: Other Eyes and Other Worlds / Section 1. Histories and Global Perspectives. Introduction / Histories of organized animal protection. Animal protection in Britain / The emergence of animal protection in Russia / European animal protection / The humane movement in Canada / Societies against cruelty in the United States / Vegetarianism in Britain and America / Perspectives from around the globe. Animal issues in Australia / Animal protection in Africa / Animals in Asia / Animals in Chinese culture / Animals in the Middle East / Challenges to animal protection in Scandinavia / Japanese attitudes toward animals / South American perspectives on animals / The treatment of animals in India / Archbishop Desmond Tutu -- Andrew Linzey -- Andrew Linzey -- Hilda Kean -- Irina Novozhilova -- Sabrina Tonutti -- Janet E. Baynger -- Stephen L. Zawistowski -- Samantha Jane Calvert -- John Simons -- Les Mitchell -- Jill Robinson -- Chien-hui Li -- Trevor P. Wheeler -- Anton Krag and Live Kleveland -- Perry McCarney -- Carlos M. Naconecy -- B.K. Sharma and Shailja Sharma. Section 2. Aquatic and Marine Life. Introduction / Acoustic impacts on marine life / Cephalopods and decapod crustaceans / Commercial whaling / Intelligence in whales and dolphins / The pinnipeds / The rehabilitation of dolphins / Sea fishes and commercial fishing / Sea turtles in the Mediterranean / Shark conservation / Stranded marine mammals / Understanding amphibians / West Indian manatees / Andrew Linzey -- Marsha L. Green -- Ross Minett -- Andy Ottaway -- Mark Peter Simmonds -- David M. Lavigne -- Richard O'Barry -- Sidney J. Holt -- Lily Therese Venizelos -- Elizabeth Murdock -- Sallie K. Riggs -- Sidney J. Holt -- Katie Tripp. Section 3. Free-Living Animals. Introduction / Animals in Captivity. Captive chimpanzees / The ethics of zoos / Marine mammals in captivity / Roadside zoos and menageries / The scientific claims of zoos / Preservation and Killing. Animal protection and environmentalism / Conservation philosophy / De-snaring in Kenya / The ethics of killing free-living animals / The ethics of reintroduction / Immunocontraception / Preserving animals in Madagascar / Sanctuaries and rehabilitation / Snares and snaring / Focus on Species Worldwide. The big cats / Coexisting with coyotes / Facts about bears / Free-living chimpanzees / Free-ranging horses / The future of free-roaming orangutans / Koalas and their protection / Moon bears and bear bile farming / Perceptions of elephants / The persecution of badgers / Primates worldwide / The protection of birds / The slaughter of kangaroos / Threats to the brown hare / Understanding beavers / The welfare of mute swans / Trade. CITES and international trade / The fur trade / Live animal exports / The trade in primates for research / The trade in reptiles / The World Trade Organization / Andrew Linzey -- Roger Fouts and Deborah Fouts -- Randy Malamud -- Rob Laidlaw -- Rob Laidlaw -- David Spratt -- Kurt Remele -- Marc Bekoff -- Anne Kent Taylor -- Priscilla N. Cohn -- Andrew Linzey -- Priscilla N. Cohn -- Derek Schuurman -- Joanne Fielder -- Libby Anderson -- Terry Moore -- Camilla H. Fox -- Victor Watkins -- Jane Goodall -- Deborah Ellsworth and Barbara Clarke -- Biruté Mary Galdikas -- Deborah Tabart -- Jill Robinson -- George Wittemyer -- Elaine King -- Shirley McGreal -- Christopher F. Mason -- Juliet Gellatley -- Stephen Harris -- Sharon Taylor Brown -- Dorothy Beeson -- Stephen V. Nash -- Mark Glover and Andrew Linzey -- Phil Brooke -- Sarah Kite -- Clifford Warwick -- Siobhan O'Sullivan and Sandy Ross. Section 4. Companion Animals. Introduction / Caring for Individual Species. Cats / Dogs / Gerbils / Guinea pigs / Hamsters / Horses / Rabbits / Responsible Care. Children's relations with animals / The concept of guardianship / Disaster planning / Enhancing a dog's environment / Kennels and catteries / A lifelong responsibility / Microchipping / Shelters and sanctuaries / Teaching animals humanely / Understanding companion animals / Health, Loss, and Bereavement. Animal burials / Euthanasia / The experience of loss / First aid / Holistic health care / Homeopathy / Insurance / Neutering and spaying / Issues of Concern. Canine profiling / Cosmetic surgery / Dogs as food / The ethics of commercialization / Feral cats / Pound seizure / Puppy mills / Selective breeding / Stray animals / Andrew Linzey -- Peter F. Neville -- Ali Taylor -- John Rolls -- John Rolls -- John Rolls -- Lynda Freebrey -- John Rolls -- Eleonora Gullone -- Elliot M. Katz -- Peggy Cunniff -- Stephen G. King -- Gwen Bailey -- Joanne Righetti -- Alastair MacMillan -- Joanne Fielder -- Andrew Constant -- Abbey Anne Smith -- Andrew Linzey -- Mary F. Stewart -- Nigel K. Walton and Jo-Ann Fowler -- W.J. Jordan -- Susan Marino -- J.G.G. Saxton -- Christopher Fairfax -- Celia Hammond -- Joan E. Schaffner -- Holly Cheever -- Elly Maynard -- Andrew Linzey -- Faith Bjalobok -- Peggy Cunniff, Marcia Kramer, and Alexandra Bernstein -- Carol B. Johnson -- Abbey Anne Smith -- Bruno Manzini. Section 5. Areas of Worldwide Concern. Introduction / Animals in Farming. Animal welfare and farming / Birds used in food production / Fish farming / Fur farming / Horse slaughter / Pig castration / The production of foie gras / Religious slaughter / Slaughter / The welfare of cows / The welfare of pigs / The welfare of sheep / Animals in Research. The alternatives / Animals used in research / Cloning animals / The ethics of testing / Freedom of information / Military experiments / Patenting animals / Product testing / Stem cell Research / Toxicity testing / Transgenic animals / Xenotransplantation / Animals in Sport and Entertainment. Angling for sport / Animals in circuses / Animals in film / Blood fiestas / Bull fighting / Canned hunts / Cock fighting / Deer hunting / Dog fighting / Greyhound racing / Hunting with dogs / Hunting with ferrets / Jumps racing / Live pigeon shoots / Live quail shoots / Pigeon racing / Rodeos / Andrew Linzey -- Jacky Turner -- Karen Davis -- Philip Lymbery -- Andrew Linzey and Mark Glover -- Faith Bjalobok -- Anton Krag -- Jean-Claude Nouët -- Andrew Linzey -- Dena M. Jones -- Joyce D'Silva -- Philip Lymbery -- Jacky Turner -- Katy Taylor -- Peggy Cunniff and Pamela Osenkowski -- Peggy Cunniff and Pamela Osenkowski -- Andrew Linzey -- Jan Creamer -- Bruce Kent -- David Thomas -- Michelle Thew -- Peggy Cunniff and Pamela Osenkowski -- June Bradlaw, Peggy Cunniff, and Pamela Osenkowski -- Peggy Cunniff and Pamela Osenkowski -- Alan H. Berger -- Jonathan Balcombe -- Jan Creamer -- Jonathan Burt -- Tony Moore and Mechthild Mench -- Tony Moore and Mechthild Mench -- Norm Phelps -- Harold Herzog -- Priscilla N. Cohn -- Peggy Cunniff and Marcia Kramer -- Paula Blanchard -- John Bryant -- Andrew Linzey -- Lawrence Pope -- Faith Bjalobok -- Tony Moore -- Jan Deckers -- Tony Moore and Mechthild Mench. Section 6. Changing Perspectives. Introduction / Changing Ethical Sensitivity. Animal and human violence / The feminist ethic of care / Moral anthropocentrism / The moral claims of animals / The moral community / Changing Legal Attitudes. Developments in animal law / Legal challenges to experiments in the United Kingdom / Legal protection of animals in China / The legal rights of great apes / Legislation in the European Union / Progress in animal welfare / Changing Religious Perspectives. Animal-friendly spirituality / Animal sacrifice / Animals in the Bible / Animals in Jainism / Buddhist attitudes / The Buddhist case for vegetarianism / Catholic teaching / Confucianism and Daoism / Hinduism and Animals / Islam and animals / Judaism and animal life / Changing Scientific Attitudes. Animal agriculture and climate change / Animal pain / Animals and public health / The complexity of animal awareness / Humane research / Veterinary ethics / Declarations for Animals. The declaration of the rights of cetaceans / The universal charter of the rights of other species / The universal declaration on animal welfare / Andrew Linzey -- Phil Arkow -- Elizabeth Farians -- Lisa Johnson -- Daniel A. Dombrowski -- Mark H. Bernstein -- Peggy Cunniff and Marcia Kramer -- David Thomas -- Deborah Cao -- Carl Saucier-Bouffard -- David B. Wilkins -- Robert Garner -- Andrew Linzey -- Kai Horsthemke -- Stephen H. Webb -- Christopher Key Chapple -- Ara Paul Barsam -- Bodhin Kjolhede -- Deborah M. Jones -- Deborah Cao -- Thillayvel Naidoo -- Neal Robinson -- Roberta Kalechofsky -- Andrew Knight -- Bernard E. Rollin -- Aysha Akhtar -- Aysha Akhtar -- Gill Langley -- Bernard E. Rollin -- Thomas I. White -- Lawrence Pope -- David Madden. Section 7. Animal-Friendly Living. Introduction / Action for Animals. Alternatives to dissection / Animal advocacy / Animal courses in academia / Animals and the major media / Animals in politics / Reporting cruelty in the United Kingdom / Reporting cruelty in the United States / Compassionate Lifestyle. Caring for animals and humans / Caring shopping / Cruelty-free labeling / Ethical finance / Humane education / Living with animal neighbors / Vegetarian Living. Ethical vegetarianism / Meatout / Plant-based nutrition / Vegan living / Veganic gardening / Vegetarian cooking / Andrew Linzey -- Jonathan Balcombe -- Richard D. Ryder -- Brianne Donaldson -- Gretchen Wyler, Sue Blackmore, and Beverly Kaskey -- Jasmijn de Boo -- Nigel Yeo -- Randall Lockwood -- Louise van der Merwe -- Audrey Eyton -- Michelle Thew -- Chris Deacon -- Holly Hazard -- John Bryant -- Steve F. Sapontzis -- Alex Hershaft -- Stephen Walsh -- Paul Appleby -- Jill Howard Church -- Dilip Barman.

Raising awareness of human indifference and cruelty toward animals, The Global Guide to Animal Protection includes more than 180 articles that survey the extent of worldwide human exploitation of animals. In addition to entries on often disturbing examples of human cruelty toward animals, the book describes attempts of courageous individuals--including Jane Goodall, Shirley McGreal, Birute Mary Galdikas, Bernard E. Rollin, and Roger Fouts--to challenge and change exploitative practices. Also included is a special foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, urging readers to seek justice and protection for all creatures, humans and animals alike.

9780252094897 9781306296861


016283967 Uk

Animal welfare.
Animal rights.
Animals--Law and legislation.
Human-animal relationships.

Electronic Books.

HV4708 / .G563 2013